Plants of the Week
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Albizia adianthifolia var. adianthifolia
Are you looking for a fabulous shade tree, rich in a unique cultural history and adored by elephants and butterflies alike? Then look no further than the...
Thunbergia alata
In much of the warmer world, Thunbergia alata, or black-eyed susan, is well known as a fast-growing, long-flowering, friendly creeper. In South Africa...
Muraltia heisteria
Muraltia heisteria is unknown to many people, yet it has so much potential as a garden plant, bringing colour, texture and charm to the garden. It...
Plectranthus zuluensis
The delicate blue flowers and velvety leaves of Plectranthus zuluensis make this easily grown shrub a winner for those difficult shady areas in summer...
Moringa ovalifolia
Moringa ovalifolia is a decorative, thickset, succulent-stemmed, erect tree of the dry, desert and semi-desert areas of Namibia. It can be seen on...
Tylecodon ellaphieae
Tylecodon ellaphieae is one of 46 species in the genus Tylecodon, all endemic to the winter rainfall region of South Africa and Namibia....
Erythrina latissima
This most unusual of the South African Erythrina species is an interesting tree with major bird-attracting potential....
Sandersonia aurantiaca
Seldom seen in cultivation in southern Africa, the highly ornamental, lantern-like flowers of Sandersonia aurantiaca are universally admired,...
Platycarpha is a relatively unknown genus of three species endemic to southern Africa. The plants are unusual because the inflorescences occur in the...
Ficus abutilifolia
The conspicuous white to yellow roots and stems of the large-leaved rock fig are an impressive sight, well adapted to hugging rock faces and splitting...
Dalbergia obovata
Ursinia anthemoides subsp. anthemoides
Ursinia anthemoides, with its bright yellow flowers, catches the eye wherever it is planted. In spring the plants make a mass display, especially in Niewoudtville...
Arctotis fastuosa
Arctotis fastuosa with large colourful flowers, is an easy-to-grow annual from the dry Namaqualand region....
Tritoniopsis triticea
A bright red, spiky-looking flower growing among the fynbos in a dry rocky area, caught my eye as I was walking along the contour path above Kirstenbosch...
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon grows either as a shrub or as a small, graceful tree with drooping branches. Although it is seldom found in gardens, the...
Known globally as African starfish flowers, and locally as carrion flowers, members of the genus Stapelia are usually characterised by their...
Passerina corymbosa
Passerina corymbosa, a medium to tall shrub covered in masses of small creamy flowers, is fast-growing and would be a welcome addition to any fynbos...
Pavetta lanceolata
In full flower, Pavetta lanceolata looks like a bride adorned in pure white, full of expectation and hope for a long and happy life, hence the...
Maytenus oleoides
Maytenus oleioides is a handsome tree with a deep green, dense, rounded crown and stout trunk, a good choice for today's smaller gardens as it...
Stangeria eriopus
Stangeria eriopus, not often seen in cultivation, develops into a most attractive perennial with large fern-like leaves, which is why it is often mistaken...