Plants of the Week
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Clivia miniata var. citrina
Clivia miniata var. citrina is a horticulturally outstanding spring-flowering perennial, with a colourful history in cultivation. Grown worldwide for its...
Clivia miniata
A striking plant, an international star, with its dark green leaves and trumpet-shaped orange flowers, Clivia miniata is the ideal plant for the...
Clivia gardenii
Clivia gardenii is a subtle and delicately pretty sister to the well known Clivia miniata (Bush Lily), which has been in cultivation for many...
Clivia caulescens
Clivia caulescens is a strong grower, with stems up to 2 m long. It flowers in midsummer and will attract birds to the garden....
Clitoria ternatea var. ternatea
A very attractive species because of its hanging blue flowers, which makes it loved by horticulturists and landscapers. The standard petal with yellow...
Cliffortia odorata
A hardy evergreen groundcover, with attractive, oval, green leaves, spreading vigorously in full sun or part shade....
Cliffortia ferruginea
A hardy, attractive ground cover with glossy green foliage that is so very versatile it can find a place to please in any everyone's garden....
Clerodendron glabrum
This is a small tree with smelly leaves and scented flowers in summer. It has many traditional uses....
Cleretum bellidiforme
Cleretum bellidiforme, previously Dorotheanthus bellidiformis, is one of South Africa’s most famous wildflower exports, grown worldwide for its dazzling,...
Cleome gynandra
African cabbage is of economic importance as it is among the herbs that are used as indigenous vegetables in rural areas of southern Africa. Analyses have...
Cleome foliosa
Cleome foliosa is a charming annual for the water wise garden....
Clematis brachiata x villosa ‘Silver Beard’
A sweet, pretty, indigenous hybrid clematis, named in honour of its creator, renowned horticulturist and botanist, Rodney Saunders....
Clematis brachiata
Clausena anisata
Clausena anisata is a very neat and attractive small tree, that gives off a strong scent that is considered by many to be unpleasant; when the leaves are...
Cladostemon kirkii
How is it possible that a tree with such attractive flowers should bear fruits with such an awful stench?...
Citrullus lanatus
Cissus quadrangularis
A climber with square, fleshy, green stems and red berries in summer. The stems, roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine to treat various human...
Cissampelos capensis
Cissampelos capensis is a tough, slow-growing, sprawling or climbing shrublet with beautiful bluish-green foliage, and is a well-known medicinal plant...
Cirsium vulgare
Cirsium vulgare is mostly regarded as a weed or undesirable plant. However, the plants are very attractive and offer lots of rewards for butterflies and...
Cineraria saxifraga
Cineraria saxifraga, with its delicate foliage and bright yellow flowers, is a rewarding and versatile plant for the garden....