Plants of the Week
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Ximenia caffra
The large sourplum is a small tree or shrub with many traditional uses and colourful fruit. It is suited to growing in a bush clump or as part of a boundary...
Xylia torreana
An attractive deciduous tree with fragrant yellow flowers in little balls in early summer, followed by large, woody pods....
Xylotheca kraussiana
The African dog rose, Xylotheca kraussiana, is a multi-stemmed shrub or small tree that forms a good focal point in a garden with its beautiful flowers...
Xyris capensis
Xyris capensis is a perennial grass-like plant growing from a more or less creeping rhizome. Its yellow flowers are clustered in a roundish spike which...
Xysmalobium involucratum
The long, narrow, green leaves make Xysmalobium involucratum inconspicuous in unburned grassy areas unless it is flowering. In grasslands that are grazed...
Xysmalobium pedifoetidum
Despite the fact that Xysmalobium pedifoetidum is the most recently described member in its genus, it has been known by taxonomists for more than 50 years....
Xysmalobium undulatum
The wave-leaved xysmalobium is a well-known feature of the verges of most of the highways in the grassland biome during November and December. Initially...
Zaluzianskya capensis
This plant fills the evening air with a sweet fragrance that will give you joy from May to November. The flowers open towards the evening and remain open...
Zaluzianskya microsiphon
A day-flowering species with strongly zygomorphic, unscented flowers....
Zaluzianskya villosa
These small, dainty, white to mauve flowered annuals can be seen in spring and early summer in the Western Cape of South Africa. Unlike Zaluzianskya capensis,...
Clump-forming perennials, cherished around the globe for their lush foliage and ornate blooms of white, yellow, pink and red....
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Zantedeschia aethiopica is an old fashioned, but very rewarding garden plant....
Zantedeschia odorata
Zantedeschia odorata is a rare, winter-growing, white arum with a moderately sweet scent and attractive, arrow-shaped leaves. With careful attention to...
Zanthoxylum capense
A large number of Zanthoxylum species have been studied and most of them contain biologically active benzophenanthridine alkaloids. Of particular...
Zanthoxylum davyi
The forest knobwood tree, scientifically known as Zanthoxylum davyi, is a remarkable presence in southern African forests, with its its impressive height,...
Zanthoxylum humile
The hairy knobwood is dressed in a layer of short, grey hairs along its branches and armed with dark, sharp thorns, as if it is fully aware of its medicinal...
Zeuxine africana
Zeuxine africana, listed as Endangered on the South African Red List, is only known from a single locality - the busiest port of southern Africa, Durban...
Ziziphus mucronata
Ziziphus mucronata, or as it is more frequently known, the wag-'n-bietjie tree represents life as we know it. The young twigs are zigzag,...
Ziziphus rivularis
Ziziphus rivularis is drought-resistant and has attractive, glossy, olive-green foliage with variable venation, as well as an attractive grey stem. This...
Ziziphus zeyheriana
Ziziphus zeyheriana or, as it is commonly known, dwarf buffalo-thorn, is an inconspicuous, stunted, woody shrub and, just like its relative the tree Ziziphus...