Plants of the Week
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Cussonia sphaerocephala
A highly ornamental, fast-growing tree, with rounded heads atop tall, slender stems developing into magnificent specimens, but don’t plant it near...
Cussonia spicata
The cabbage-tree is a strikingly beautiful garden tree which is widely cultivated both locally and abroad for its striking evergreen foliage. Its unusual...
Cussonia thyrsiflora
This evergreen shrub or small tree is an ideal specimen to include in coastal gardens, as it is very hardy and well-adapted to dry coastal scrub. It bears...
Cussonia transvaalensis
Cussonia transvaalensis is a striking, very useful tree as a focal point in the landscape, due to its strong architectural form; it may also be used...
Cyanella alba
Cyanella hyacinthoides
Cyanella lutea subsp. lutea
Cyanella lutea subsp. lutea is a rewarding, long-lived cormous perennial that blooms reliably every year. ...
Cyanotis speciosa
Cyanotis speciosa is a perennial ground cover that provides all-year-round colour with its exquisite powderpuff flowers that are either blue, pink or purple....
Cyathula natalensis
A creeping herb cherished as a love charm in South Africa, as well as southern Mozambique by the Tsonga people. This herb’s sticky touch, thanks...
Cyclopia genistoides
Honeybush is well known in the Cape, not so much as a garden shrub, but as a herbal tea....
Cyclopia meyeriana
A decorative fynbos shrub covered with masses of bright yellow flowers in spring, and one of the species that give us Honeybush Tea....
Cyclopia pubescens
Cyclopia pubescens is a very attractive, yet highly threatened species, endemic to the extreme east of the Fynbos Biome. Its club-like clusters of vibrant...
Cycnium racemosum
An attractive mountain plant found in grassland on rocky outcrops, with large fragrant pink flowers in summer to early winter. Flowers turn black when...
Cylindrophyllum comptonii
Cylindrophyllum comptonii is a tough, mat-forming, cushion-like, succulent plant and thrives in nutrient-poor soils. With its finger-like leaves, this...
Cymbopogon caesius
Cymbopogon caesius is a densely tufted perennial grass, which has swollen lowest racemes (an unbranched inflorescence axis with pedicellate spikelets)...
Cynodon dactylon
This well-known grass is adaptable and is found almost world-wide, from deserts to the lawn in your garden. Most gardeners, if not most people, will know...
Cynoglossum hispidum
This is a biennial or perennial herb with small, drooping, purplish red flowers. It is characterized by loosely branched inflorescences and fruits...
Cynorhiza typica
Cynorhiza typica is a striking wild carrot, the root of which was once commonly used in the West Coast region of the Cape to brew an intoxicating honey...
A large, cosmopolitan family of mostly herbaceous plants, Cyperaceae occur primarily in moist temperate to wet tropical regions of the world; several species...
Cyperus papyrus
Cyperus papyrus is a stately aquatic member of the sedge family. The plants are easily cultivated and suitable for medium to large water features, especially...