Plants of the Week
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Dyschoriste thunbergiiflora
A versatile, evergreen shrub for semi-shade, with attractive dark green foliage and eye-catching, large, blue-purple, trumpet-shaped flowers, occurring...
Ehretia rigida
Ehretia rigida is a deciduous small tree or shrub, usually multi-stemmed, with an untidy rounded crown. It has tangled branches which arch downwards or...
Ehrharta calycina
Ehrharta calycina is usually perennial with strongly geniculate culms (stems), red-flowers and a creeping, branched rhizome....
Ekebergia capensis
This is a large attractive evergreen tree that has been used as a street tree in many towns and cities of South Africa, Uganda and the Democratic Republic...
Ekebergia pterophylla
This is a tidy, attractive, evergreen shrub/tree, with sweetly scented flowers, bearing berries....
Elaeodendron croceum
Elaeodendron croceum is an attractive, evergreen tree with a neat, upright shape which can with care be cultivated in gardens large and small....
Elaeodendron transvaalense
Elaeodendron transvaalense is an attractive, small to medium tree that fits perfectly in a small garden. Those gardening for biodiversity will find this...
Elegia aggregata
Elegia aggregata is a tufted plant with attractive smooth stems. The stems are blue-green with dark brown inflorescences. This plant can be used in...
Elegia capensis
This restio is a tall, dark green, elegant plant with large, decorative, papery sheaths along the stems. It is a good feature plant next to a pond, a swimming...
Elegia cuspidata
At last, a restio that you will not struggle to identify! Elegia cuspidata has distinctive features and is suited for planting in a Cape Peninsula...
Elegia equisetacea
This is an attractive reed-like plant with large, golden seed heads forming a bright patch in a garden where it will dance and whisper in the wind....
Elegia fenestrata
This rare restio has a spreading habit, thick, dark green culms (stems) with large, attractive, chestnut-brown sheaths (reduced leaves) at intervals up...
Elegia filacea
A magnificent small, upright, tufted restio that shows off its golden–tan sheaths and bracts in early to midsummer, and makes a spectacular filler...
Elegia fistulosa
Elegia fistulosa is a tall, grass-like plant, decorative nearly all year round, low-maintenance, easy and rewarding to grow....
Elegia grandispicata
Elegia grandispicata is a restio with large golden inflorescences that seem to glow in the early morning light....
Elegia nuda
Elegia nuda is a neat upright-growing restio. The light green stems (called culms) contrast well with the black flower heads, and planted en...
Elegia persistens
A very attractive, medium-sized, reed-like perennial, with golden-brown flower heads, that can be used to enliven any garden....
Elegia spathacea
This is a small, aesthetic, slender plant, with striking tan-coloured spathes with reddish brown speckles, suitable for planting in containers....
Elegia stipularis
Elegia stipularis is a colourful and delicate low-growing and water-wise restio that can be used to enliven any garden....
Elegia tectorum
This restio makes a most attractive garden plant, and can be used for thatching....