Plants of the Week
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Bauhinia petersiana subsp. macrantha
This low-growing, evergreen tree or scrambler, boasts with large, pleasantly scented white flowers in midsummer....
Maytenus procumbens
As the species name suggests, Maytenus procumbens is a tidy and procumbent coastal shrub or small tree. It is very pleasing to the eye especially with...
Euphorbia triangularis
A spiny, succulent tree with angled, segmented branches that leak a watery milky latex when damaged; it belongs in the spurge family, one of the largest...
Strophanthus amboensis
When the Elephant Vine is well maintained, it can grow into a reasonable-sized bushy tree with extraordinary pretty, faintly but sweet-scented flowers...
Aeollanthus haumannii
Aeollanthus haumannii is an aromatic, branched succulent with sticky, green leaves, bearing whitish mauve, 2-lipped flowers in autumn, only known from...
Argyrolobium angustissimum
Argyrolobium angustissimum is an unassuming Cape peaflower which until relatively recently had been presumed possibly extinct.Figure 1. Argyrolobium angustissimum...
Arctotis angustifolia
This silvery-leaved perennial will light up many a garden with its bright orange or white flowers in spring....
Ledebouria viscosa
This curious and enigmatic species of Ledebouria is highly unusual in the genus because of its viscous leaves which become sticky when wet, causing sand...
Gyrocarpus americanus subsp. africanus
An interesting tree with a smooth, grey to silvery white trunk, and ovoid fruit crowned with 2 wings, which look remarkably like the slender wings of a...
Pachycarpus campanulatus
Pachycarpus campanulatus is a showy plant with large, hanging, bell-shaped flowers of up to 5 per umbel and exuding milky latex, like most plants in the...
Euphorbia nesemannii
A spiny, tuberous rooted species with a nearly cylindrical body, most of which is below the ground....
Brachystelma foetidum
A small, herbaceous perennial from the grasslands, with a large, flattened, underground, potato-like tuber, and unusual purple-brown and greenish yellow...
Dombeya tiliacea
A pretty shrub or small tree, with white flowers in late summer to autumn, suitable for sun or semi-shade....
Bersama tysoniana
Bersama tysoniana is an attractive tree because of its dense foliage, russet-brown new growth and knobbly fruits that split into quarters, exposing red...
Veltheimia capensis
Veltheimia capensis is an autumn- and winter-flowering bulb with striking rosettes of wavy or curled, grey-blue leaves and pendent, pink-speckled flowers....
Gibbaeum heathii
One of the curious miniature succulents that grow in between quarzitic stones and is endemic to the Klein Karoo. It is one of the most popular species...
Ceriops tagal
A compact branched tree or shrub with a distinctive root growth, fascinating growth habit and seeds, occurring in the tidal estuaries, lagoons and swamps,...
Canthium spinosum
A shrub or small tree with spiny branches, pale grey bark and edible berries that are also popular with birds. It makes an excellent hedge, and the wood...
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Cwebe’
A handsome ornamental perennial whose graceful spreading fronds has broader needle-like leaflets than the other varieties of asparagus fern. New foliage...
Ledebouria cooperi
A widespread and common species usually associated with water or moist vegetation types, Cooper’s African Hyacinth is an attractive, small bulbous...