Plants of the Week
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Celtis africana
There is no doubt that this is an excellent tree to use in a landscape, and it is a rewarding garden tree. It gives shade in summer, and is fast and easy...
Searsia chirindensis
The red currant, Searsia chirindensis, is an attractive, African tree with lovely reddish autumn foliage. It is common throughout the eastern part...
Linzia glabra
Linzia glabra is a strong-growing, herbaceous perennial that flowers throughout the summer, producing masses of flowers that look like little mauve...
Dracosciadium italae
This little-known member of the carrot family from KwaZulu-Natal makes an unusual and interesting addition to indigenous gardens....
Gasteria polita
Gasteria polita is a recently discovered species that is both attractive and easy to grow. ...
Colophospermum mopane
These beautiful trees with their distinctive butterfly-shaped leaves and strange seeds are, for many, the essence of South Africa's lowveld areas,...
Senegalia galpinii
This is a large tree with luxuriant, light green foliage, making it ideal for a big garden, avenue or park. It is also valued by farmers. This tree...
Hilliardiella hirsuta
The striking deep purple flowers and silvery quilted leaves of Hilliardiella hirsuta make it a very desirable plant for an indigenous summer border. ...
Afrocarpus falcatus
This fast-growing, majestic yellowwood with its elegant shape is certainly a tree for all seasons and all gardens. It is an excellent container plant and...
Chironia linoides
Flowering during the warm summer months, usually from Christmas until late February, Chironia linoides adds splashes of colour to the garden. The plants...
Pentanisia prunelloides
This beautiful blue grassland flower, which attracts butterflies, shows great potential as a garden plant. Widespread in southern Africa, and used extensively...
Leucospermum saxosum
This pincushion is the only one in South Africa not growing in the winter rainfall area of the Western Cape. This is a summer rainfall species to be found...
Brachylaena discolor
Haworthia maxima
Aptosimum procumbens
An ideal water-wise ground-cover plant for dry gardens, Aptosimum procumbens is one of the treasures of the arid and semi-arid parts of South Africa....