Plants of the Week
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Argyrolobium rupestre subsp. rupestre
A small, slender-stemmed, few-flowered, shortly ascending plant, that flourishes in spring and summer. It is a flowering plant in the legume family (Fabaceae),...
Dyschoriste rogersii
A small, evergreen shrub with a very long flowering season, best in semi-shade and with very few natural enemies....
Gladiolus aureus
Gladiolus aureus is a delicate, cormous plant, producing striking golden-yellow blooms in late winter and spring. Among South Africa’s many critically...
Eucomis pallidiflora subsp. pole-evansii
This is the largest of all pineapple lilies in the world. The tall flower spike together with its long leaves, are the reason why it is so popular....
Cylindrophyllum comptonii
Cylindrophyllum comptonii is a tough, mat-forming, cushion-like, succulent plant and thrives in nutrient-poor soils. With its finger-like leaves, this...
Grewia retinervis
Grewia retinervis is a hardy shrub with bright yellow flowers in summer and shiny, reddish brown edible fruits....
Pelargonium heterophyllum
Pelargonium heterophyllum is a rare species from the Renosterveld, and one of South Africa’s most endangered plants....
Albuca deaconii
Albuca deaconii is a solitary to cluster-forming, bulbous cliff-hanger from the southeastern Cape. The long, leek-like leaves and extended racemes, both...
Phymaspermum appressum
Phymaspermum appressum is a drought resistant, Cape daisy shrub with striking white, fading to pink and finally purple, flowers....
Encephalartos cerinus
Encephalartos cerinus is a small cycad with a subterranean stem that may be partly exposed when growing among rocks. Leaves and cones are covered by a...
Euphorbia flanaganii
Mimetes splendidus
A gorgeous, shimmering, silver-foliaged shrub, that vibrates with luminescent light on its salmon-pink flowerheads, during the winter season....
Salvia africana-caerulea
Salvia africana-caerulea is now called Salvia africana....
Salvia africana-lutea
Salvia africana-lutea is now called Salvia aurea...
Ipomoea cairica var. cairica
The coast morning glory, with its big, purple, trumpet-shaped flowers with a dark eye in the centre, makes it close to impossible to pass it by, and it...
Tulbaghia acutiloba
A lovely, small and delicate bulbous perennial, with garlic-scented, edible leaves and sweetly fragrant flowers almost all year round....
Drosanthemum longipes
A remarkable, summer dormant, scrambling, leaf succulent, with magenta-pink flowers in winter, re-sprouting annually in autumn, producing many stems from...
Ceropegia crassifolia var. crassifolia
Members of the genus Ceropegia in the strict sense, are characterized by tubular flowers specially adapted for the temporary capture of insects for pollination...
Ipomoea oenotheroides
An eye-catching, drought-resistant shrublet with bright pink ‘morning glory’ flowers in summer and silvery stems sprouting from inedible tuberous...
Erica grandiflora subsp. grandiflora
A sturdy fynbos shrub with outstanding bright orange flowers at the hottest, driest time of the year....