Plants of the Week
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Dianthus albens
Many people think of Dianthus or carnations as cut flowers from places in Europe and very little is known about our very own indigenous species. Although...
Chaenostoma cordatum
Chaenostoma cordatum is the ideal groundcover for that garden spot with varying microclimates. Performing equally well in full sun to shady conditions...
Strychnos madagascariensis
Very often confused with Strychnos spinosa, S. madagascariensis is a single- or multi-stemmed tree with a spreading, irregular, angular canopy. It grows...
Streptocarpus rexii
Streptocarpus rexii is a neat, compact perennial herb with attractive white to blue/pale violet flowers, and makes a perfect indoor or shade plant. It...
Strychnos decussata
Strychnos decussata is a handsome tree for the garden with an attractive shape....
Sphenostylis angustifolia
Sphenostylis angustifolia, or the wild sweet-pea, is a lovely green perennial shrublet with an extensive woody rootstock that decorates the Highveld with...
Euryops annuus
After good winter rains, Euryops annuus transforms the barren plains of the Tanqua Karoo into fields of yellow, dainty flowers. The plants of this genus...
Crassula perfoliata var. minor
Crassula perfoliata var. minor is an attractive summer-flowering succulent with greyish-green, sickle-shaped leaves and red flowers in summer....
Streptocarpus cooksonii
Unlike most other Streptocarpus species, this spectacular plant seems to enjoy the heat and strong light conditions found in the Tugela and Buffalo Rivers...
Leucadendron album
An unusual conebush, with its velvety silver foliage, Leucadendron album is a striking mountain fynbos shrub....
Erica caffra
When walking along a stream or near a wetland on a warm day in spring or early summer, a strong sweet smell is sometimes the first indication that one...
Asparagus falcatus
Asparagus falcatus is a robust thorny creeper that has attractive white flowers and red berries and will easily double as a safety hedge against unwanted...
Diospyros austro-africana
Diospyros austro-africana is a beautiful indigenous shrub or small tree that bears little cream, pink and even red lantern-like flowers. Not only attractive...
Geissorhiza radians
Looking much like half-full wine glasses, Geissorhiza radians lights up the veld in late spring, providing a spectacular but uncommon sight....
Pentarrhinum insipidum
The leaves, stems and fruit of Pentarrhinum insipidum are widely eaten throughout Africa. It is an important wild vegetable and has the potential to be...
Hermannia pinnata
Hermannia pinnata is a decorative groundcover, covered in masses of honey-scented pale orange bells in early summer, and ideal for hanging baskets,...
Dianthus zeyheri
This beautiful, hardy African carnation adds a mass of pink colour to the garden....
Flueggea virosa
This African plant has become a problem plant in other parts of the world.© Geoff Nichols...
Atalaya alata
Introduce a finer texture in your garden by planting Atalaya alata....
Tritonia crocata
Tritonia crocata is a striking, late spring and early summer-flowering plant with fiery orange or reddish orange flower sprays and a fan of short, lance-shaped...