Plants of the Week
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Maesa lanceolata
An apple-green tree-shrub gives shade to a cool, inviting stream: this idyllic prospect is repeated a million times in KwaZulu-Natal , South Africa 's...
Sorghum bicolor
This crop plant has been cultivated in southern Africa for over 3 000 years....
Oplismenus hirtellus
An outstanding groundcover for those difficult shady areas under trees, the grass Oplismenus hirtellus makes an interesting textured carpet of deep green...
Berkheya purpurea
A prickly thistle, Berkheya purpurea turns into a surprisingly beautiful perennial when flowering in midsummer....
Strychnos spinosa
This small to medium sized tree with its dark green glossy leaves and bright yellow fruit will make an attractive addition to your garden....
Podocarpus elongatus
Many visitors to Kirstenbosch, remember the huge tree on the main lawn whose crown reached down to the ground and created a magical private sanctuary for...
Three species of wart fern occur in South Africa and they all have potential as garden plants for shady, warm areas....
Toddalia asiatica
Did you know that we have an indigenous orange in South Africa? This plant,Toddalia asiatica, is a woody vine (a liana) and bears fruit which, although...
Searsia pendulina
Searsia pendulina is a perfect tree for the suburban garden, it is quick and easy to grow, tolerates wind and drought, is evergreen with a graceful habit...
Tabernaemontana ventricosa
This tree, with its unusual fruits, is excellent for gardeners wanting to bring nature back into their garden — it attracts birds, insects and small...
Syncolostemon latidens
The subtle beauty of the little known mauve-pink plume bush, Syncolostemon latidens, has won the hearts of those who have seen this small perennial shrub...
Euryops speciosissimus
The name of this species indicates that the plant must be something special. The Latin word speciosissimus means spectacular or the showiest of all. When...
Euryops chrysanthemoides
Vernonia galpinii
This charming low-growing, purple-flowered perennial makes a wonderful edging for indigenous borders....
Salvia thermarum
S. thermarum (also sometimes mistakenly called S. thermara), with its pale red flowers and red bracts, makes a beautiful garden specimen. An added bonus...
Euryops wageneri
Anyone who has seen this species will agree that this is probably one of the most magnificent of all the Euryops species. It has the same visual impact...
Helichrysum odoratissimum
As its name implies, this plant has a strong smell. It is widely used as a perfume, but also as an insect repellent....
Ekebergia capensis
This is a large attractive evergreen tree that has been used as a street tree in many towns and cities of South Africa, Uganda and the Democratic Republic...
Clivia caulescens
Clivia caulescens is a strong grower, with stems up to 2 m long. It flowers in midsummer and will attract birds to the garden....
Agapanthus caulescens