Plants of the Week
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Polygala virgata
This charming slender shrub, bearing spikes of bright purple magenta winged flowers is an eye-catcher in any garden. Polygala virgata is one of the beautiful...
Momordica balsamica
This climber with bright green leaves bears striking orange to red spindle shaped ripe fruit....
Cussonia spicata
The cabbage-tree is a strikingly beautiful garden tree which is widely cultivated both locally and abroad for its striking evergreen foliage. Its unusual...
Trichilia dregeana
Trichilia dregeana is a lovely large tree that inhabits evergreen forests in high rainfall areas. It is a highly ornamental species with considerable cultural...
Metalasia muricata
This is a widespread, tough shrub with honey-scented flowers whose garden potential is often overlooked....
Asclepias albens
This is the most widespread species of Asclepias in South Africa....
Phylica pubescens
This attractive bush is densely covered with hairy leaves and each hair seems to gather the sunlight and make it glow. Early morning or late afternoon...
Ixianthes retzioides
This is a beautiful plant, seldom seen. It is a rare endemic, confined to a few streams of the winter-rainfall Western Cape. It has striking, yellow, bell-shaped...
Hydrostachys polymorpha
This unusual plant is unable to survive without the turbulence of water. It thrives in the white waters which give such a thrill to rafters. Living life...
Psychotria capensis
Bulbuls, robins and barbets are a few of the locals spotted dining at the black bird-berry, with its attractive glossy foliage and showy red and yellow...
Oncoba spinosa
This spiny shrub or small tree with pretty white flowers is known for the snuff boxes that can be made from its hard-shelled fruit....
A large cosmopolitan genus of many garden ornamentals of which the popular Lobelia erinus is one of the sixty-nine species native to South Africa....
Galpinia transvaalica
This tree is part of a small family of herbs, small trees and shrubs found in subtropical and tropical regions. Its attractive flowerheads and coloured...
Felicia filifolia subsp. filifolia
When in flower Felicia filifolia is an eye-catching mass of mauve flowers with pretty yellow centres that will create a stunning splash of colour in your...
Eulophia speciosa
With its fairly large, bright yellow flowers, Eulophia speciosa, one of the most common and widespread southern African eulophias, is a rewarding...
Xysmalobium involucratum
The long, narrow, green leaves make Xysmalobium involucratum inconspicuous in unburned grassy areas unless it is flowering. In grasslands that are grazed...
Zysmalobium involucratum
The long, narrow, green leaves make Xysmalobium involucratum inconspicuous in unburned grassy areas unless it is flowering. In grasslands that are grazed...
Vepris lanceolata
What a lovely, underrated shrub or tree-a plant that South Africans can definitely try in their gardens in the future!...
Freylinia visseri
Kniphofia gracilis
Kniphofias, or red-hot pokers as they are more commonly known, are popular, showy garden plants that have been valued for their dramatic appearance in...