Plants of the Week
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Didymaotus lapidiformis
Didymaotus lapidiformis is a fascinating chunky succulent that looks like a lithops on steroids! It grows in the arid winter rainfall regions of...
Agathosma capensis
Agathosma capensis is a variable shrub with either hairy or hairless leaves. Flower colour ranges from mauve, pink to white or a bluish purple. Crushed...
Ursinia chrysanthemoides var. geyeri
Once thought to be extinct, Ursinia chrysanthemoides var. geyeri, the crimson-flowered herbaceous daisy has found its way back into cultivation....
Aloe pictifolia
An attractive small aloe with greyish-green leaves ornamented with many white spots. It is easily grown and popular in cultivation....
Phymaspermum acerosum
The geelblombos will brighten up any dull area in the garden during the autumn months....
The Lamiaceae family is characterised by square stems, aromatic leaves (gland-dotted) and zygomorphic (irregular) flowers with the corolla usually 2-lipped....
Pseudoscolopia polyantha
Pseudoscolopia polyantha is a rare, near-threatened and little known tree restricted to a threatened habitat-forest margins....
Erica blenna var. grandiflora
Erica blenna var. grandiflora is unusual in flower shape and colour and these attributes contribute to making South African ericas uniquely...
Trianoptiles is a tiny genus of three species, two of which are highly threatened in their natural habitat. Despite being on the brink of extinction...
Euryops abrotanifolius
Euryops abrotanifolius is an easy-to-grow fynbos shrub with bright yellow daisies during winter and spring that will cheer up the winter garden....
Gonialoe variegata
This plant was previously called Aloe variegata. Gonialoe variegata is one of the best known, and most distinctive of the South African aloes. The characteristic...
Agathosma apiculata
The leaves of Agathosma apiculata are aromatic and a distinctive garlic scent is released when the leaves are crushed, due to the volatile oils in the...
Protea burchellii
Protea burchellii is a medium-sized, winter-flowering shrub and a delightful addition to any fynbos garden....
Hydnora africana
Hydnora africana is one of the most bizarre-looking plants on the African continent and is certainly not the most common of plants to be encountered...
Pelargonium ionidiflorum
Pelargonium ionidiflorum provides beautiful violet pink flowers all year round in the garden....
Leucadendron elimense subsp. elimense
Leucadendron elimense subsp. elimense is an attractive species not be overlooked when driving along the gravel roads between Elim and Bredasdorp....
Faurea saligna
The willowy shape of Faurea saligna is a graceful feature in large gardens and landscapes, and its resistance to termites is a bonus, especially...
Bowkeria citrina
The wonderful display of the bright yellow flowers, the fragrance of the leaves and the polished brown fruit of Bowkeria citrina, make this beautiful...
Xerophyta retinervis
Xerophyta retinervis is a fascinating plant with blackened stems in the winter months but totally transformed in the early summer when covered with...