Plants of the Week
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Leucadendron xanthoconus
A versatile fynbos shrub, with a silvery shine to its foliage, Leucadendron xanthoconus deserves a second glance....
Leucadendron tinctum
An attractive, scented, bushy shrub of the Proteaceae family, Leucadendron tinctum makes a delightful display in a fynbos garden....
Leucadendron thymifolium
Leucadendron thymifolium is a Critically Endangered plant and experts predict this species could be extinct by 2025....
Leucadendron teretifolium
Rosy red cones and dense, compact growth, make Leucadendron teretifolium hard to miss, when walking in the veld....
Leucadendron strobilinum
Leucadendron strobilinum is an eye-catching shrub that is ideal for display in a fynbos garden....
Leucadendron spissifolium subsp. oribinum
This rare Leucadendron (conebush) is found at the Oribi Gorge near Port Shepstone, far from the Western Cape where most Leucadendron species...
Leucadendron sessile
Leucadendron sessile is an easy-to-grow fynbos shrub that turns bright yellow during winter and spring. Leucadendrons are often overlooked, in favour...
Leucadendron salignum
Leucadendron salignum is the most widespread species of the family Proteaceae, occurring in a large part of South Africa. ...
Leucadendron rubrum
Leucadendron rubrum is not a flowering show stopper. It is an interesting shrub producing wonderful, brightly coloured cones looking like spinning...
Leucadendron pubescens
A very attractive shrub with twisted, hairy leaves and large maroon-brown cones that are very noticeable in winter and spring when the plants are flowering...
Leucadendron macowanii
This is a fast-growing shrub with narrow, dark green leaves, bright yellow flower heads in profusion on the male plants in winter, and dark red cones on...
Leucadendron loeriense
Leucadendron loeriense is one of the few members of the protea family that flower in mid-summer, producing its lovely star-shaped flowerheads and...
Leucadendron linifolium
Leucadendron linifolium is a neat, evergreen shrub, water-wise in the winter-rainfall region and ideal for gardens on the sandy flats. It is used...
Leucadendron levisanus
This endangered member of the protea family was once common on the Cape Flats, but has been reduced by urban development to a few populations along road...
Leucadendron laxum
Leucadendron laureolum
In midwinter, golden conebushes turn many Cape mountainsides bright yellow. These large fynbos shrubs thrive in a wide range of soils, and bring winter...
Leucadendron floridum
As its name implies, the Flats conebush is suited to wetland areas or damp positions in the garden. Plant this shrub in groups to add seasonal colour and...
Leucadendron eucalyptifolium
Leucadendron eucalyptifolium is a decorative, fast-growing fynbos shrub that turns bright yellow in winter-spring....
Leucadendron elimense subsp. elimense
Leucadendron elimense subsp. elimense is an attractive species not be overlooked when driving along the gravel roads between Elim and Bredasdorp....
Leucadendron discolor
For most of the year Leucadendron discolor is a grey-green filler, best planted towards the back of the shrubbery. During spring it comes alive with colour...