Plants of the Week
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Gasteria vlokii
Gasteria vlokii is one of the more or less 23 known Gasteria species endemic to southern Africa. It is easily propagated from leaf cuttings...
Gasteria visseri
Gasteria visseri is a compact, slow-growing succulent, with dark green, spreading to recurved leaves in a tight rosette, proliferating from the base and...
Gasteria tukhelensis
Gasteria tukhelensis is one of the more or less 20 species so far known of the popular, aloe-like genus Gasteria which is endemic to southern...
Gasteria thunbergii
Gasteria thunbergii is a dwarf aloe-like, opposite-leaved succulent, endemic to the Gouritz River south of the Langeberg Mountains of the Western...
Gasteria retusa
Gasteria retusa is a cluster-forming leaf succulent of about 240 mm in diameter. The leaves are beautifully ornamented, wrinkled, with transverse bands...
Gasteria rawlinsonii
Gasteria rawlinsonii is a shrubby, aloe-like, succulent cliff hanger found only in the Baviaanskloof of the Eastern Cape Province. It is the only...
Gasteria pulchra
Gasteria pulchra is a small to medium-sized aloe-like plant bearing narrow and pointed, ascending, dark-mottled green leaves and a loose panicle of...
Gasteria polita
Gasteria polita is a recently discovered species that is both attractive and easy to grow. ...
Gasteria pillansii
Gasteria pillansii is the only true winter rainfall species of the genus. It is easily grown in containers in a shady spot, but has to be kept dry...
Gasteria nitida
Gasteria nitida is a medium-sized, aloe-like succulent, endemic to the Eastern Cape, growing in grassland regions. It has showy, banded leaves, and grows...
Gasteria loedolffiae
Gasteria loedolffiae is a aloe-like plant growing as solitary specimens or forming small groups on sheer shale cliffs of the Mzimvubu and Msikaba...
Gasteria langebergensis
Gasteria langbergensis is a cluster-forming, leaf succulent with oblong, flattened, slightly wrinkled leaves in two opposite rows (distichous) and bearing...
Gasteria koenii
Gasteria koenii is an exciting recent discovery, confined to the southern foothills of the Groot Swartberg, near Calitzdorp. The mottled, sickle-shaped...
Gasteria glomerata
Gasteria glomerata is a very attractive, dwarf species, bearing rounded clusters of grey-green, slightly rough (tuberculate) leaves. It is ideal for...
Gasteria glauca
Gasteria glauca is a small aloe-like plant with highly succulent, glaucous (grey-green) leaves arranged in a dense rosette. It grows on cliff faces...
Gasteria excelsa
Gasteria excelsa is a medium-sized aloe-like plant bearing triangular, spreading, ascending, dark-mottled green leaves and a dense panicle of pinkish...
Gasteria ellaphieae
Gasteria ellaphieae is a dwarf aloe-like, succulent-leaved plant (rock crevice plant) endemic to the Kouga Dam region of the Eastern Cape Province....
Gasteria doreeniae
Gasteria doreeniae is a dwarf aloe-like, succulent-leaved, cliff-dwelling plant (cliff hugger) endemic to the Swartwaterspoort of the Eastern Cape...
Gasteria disticha
Gasteria disticha is a small aloe-like, succulent-leaved plant with leaves in two opposite rows and an elongated raceme with pinkish flowers, endemic...
Gasteria croucheri
Gasteria are popular indoor, succulent, aloe-like plants and are easily grown. They are mainly from South Africa (one species just entering southern...