Plants of the Week
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Frithia humilis
This miniature leaf succulent is attractive even when not flowering as the windowed leaves with crenulate markings are showy and unique....
Freylinia vlokii
Freylinia vlokii is a shrub bearing beautiful tubular mauve flowers and is an ideal plant for dry fynbos gardens....
Freylinia visseri
Freylinia undulata
Freylinia undulata is an attractive shrub with mauve flowers, ideal for dry gardens in the winter-rainfall area....
Freylinia tropica
This shrub makes a good garden subject for summer rainfall areas....
Freylinia longiflora
This critically endangered shrub makes an attractive garden plant....
Freylinia lanceolata
The honey bell-bush is a shrub or small tree with a charm all of its own, and attracts hosts of butterflies and other pollinators....
Freylinia helmei
This is another of the attractive bell-bushes, which make interesting garden shrubs....
Freylinia densiflora
Blue-green foliage and subtly coloured flowers are attractive features of this widespread bell-bush....
Freylinia crispa
The attractive purple flowers of the Kouga bell-bush will brighten up your garden....
Freesia leichtlinii subsp. alba
With its showy white spring flowers, exquisite perfume and relative ease in cultivation, Freesia leichtlinii subsp. alba is one of the most rewarding Cape...
Freesia grandiflora
A beautiful, red-flowered, bulbous plant that deserves more horticultural attention. It is perfect for woodland gardens or as a pot plant and performs...
Flueggea virosa
This African plant has become a problem plant in other parts of the world.© Geoff Nichols...
Ficus trichopoda
The swamp or hippo fig is the only indigenous fig species in the southern African region whose aerial roots develop into new stems like the banyan, Ficus...
Ficus sycomorus subsp sycomorus
A medium-sized tree with yellowish red edible figs....
Ficus sur
The broom cluster fig is a key element in the environment providing medicine, food, shade and shelter for all nature of animals, large and small. This...
Ficus sansibarica
This knobbly fig presents an imposing display with its spreading crown and bears enormous fruiting spurs along the stem....
Ficus salicifolia
This hardy, spreading, evergreen tree produces fruit that will attract any fruit-loving birds to your garden. It is ideal for large properties and very...
Ficus polita subsp. polita
Next time you attend one of Kirstenbosch’s summer sunset concerts, see if you can spot the Afrotropical Ficus polita subsp. polita, growing on the...