Plants of the Week
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Euryops muirii
Euryops muirii is a very special species that is restricted to the limestone in and around Still Bay. It has a very limited distribution and occurs...
Euryops linifolius
Euryops linifolius is a lovely evergreen shrub with grey-green, needle-like foliage and bright yellow flowers in spring. Occurring naturally in the drier...
Euryops linearis
Euryops linearis is a showy, easy-to-grow, tall shrub, covered with bright yellow daisies in spring....
Euryops chrysanthemoides
Euryops annuus
After good winter rains, Euryops annuus transforms the barren plains of the Tanqua Karoo into fields of yellow, dainty flowers. The plants of this genus...
Euryops annae
Euryops annae is a small, easy-to-grow shrub, with bright yellow flowers during late summer and autumn....
Euryops abrotanifolius
Euryops abrotanifolius is an easy-to-grow fynbos shrub with bright yellow daisies during winter and spring that will cheer up the winter garden....
Euphorbia virosa
Euphorbia virosa has a short twisted main stem with large branches emerging from it. The stems are 4- or 5-angled with a pair of thorns at the edges....
Euphorbia umfoloziensis
In a hot river valley in northern KwaZulu-Natal, this rare, spiny, dwarf succulent can be found. It has only ever been recorded from this one river valley....
Euphorbia tuberosa
A hardy, drought tolerant plant that is dormant in summer when conditions are harsh, by losing its wavy, grey-green leaves and leaving its succulent stem...
Euphorbia triangularis
A spiny, succulent tree with angled, segmented branches that leak a watery milky latex when damaged; it belongs in the spurge family, one of the largest...
Euphorbia tirucalli
Euphorbia tirucalli has unmistakable, brush-like branch masses that are a noticeable feature of the plant. It occurs over the widest distribution...
Euphorbia stellispina
Euphorbia stellispina is a stunning architectural plant and a true survivor in the harsh landscape of the central Karoo and parts of Namaqualand....
Euphorbia sekukuniensis
A rare, small, succulent tree that is endemic in Sekhukhuneland, in Mpumalanga and Limpopo, where it occurs in a specialized habitat....
Euphorbia schinzii
Euphorbia schinzii is a small spiny plant with succulent stems, that enable it to store water, giving it resilience and allowing it to thrive in its harsh,...
Euphorbia pseudoglobosa
This dwarf succulent has a nearly geophytic habit, with the stems and branches almost entirely subterranean. It flowers in autumn, when it is adorned with...
Euphorbia obesa
Euphorbia obesa is a peculiar, almost ball shaped dwarf succulent plant that resembles a stone....
Euphorbia nesemannii
A spiny, tuberous rooted species with a nearly cylindrical body, most of which is below the ground....
Euphorbia mauritanica
A tall succulent shrub with bright yellow flowers eminently suitable for a rock garden....
Euphorbia ingens
If you are looking for a low maintenance addition to a rock or suulent garden this large cactus-like tree is ideal. It is well suited to dry areas and...