Plants of the Week
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Pycnostachys urticifolia
See Coleus livingstonei...
Pyrrosia is a genus of mostly epiphytic and simple-leaved ferns....
Pyrrosia schimperiana
A rare fern, only known from the Blyde River Canyon in the Mpumalanga Province, confined to sheer cliffs. The plant grows in small, dense clusters, with...
Quaqua mammilaris
Aroena makes an interesting addition to any dry veld-food garden....
Rabiea albinota
When in a powdered state, the s'keng-keng is amongst numerous psychotropic plants that are able to alter the mind and mood of an individual....
Radinosiphon leptostachya
Radinosiphon leptostachya is a cormous deciduous perennial plant with slender stems and pink flowers in summer, that thrives in rocky environments amongst...
Rafnia triflora
Rafnia triflora is a little known but striking fynbos shrub, with blue green leaves and bright yellow flowers in summer....
Ranunculus baurii
See Peltocalathos baurii...
Ranunculus multifidus
Wild Buttercup is a small evergreen herb, with bright green leaves and masses of yellow flowers in summer, that grows well in damp grassland and spreads...
Rapanea melanophloeos
The graceful Cape Beech is a hardy tree for a large, coastal garden setting, and for windy areas....
Raphia australis
Palms have the largest leaves of all trees, and Raphia has the largest leaves of all palms. One species of these monsters is indigenous to South Africa,...
Raphionacme hirsuta
An attractive, small, summer-growing perennial, with a large, tuberous root and pretty starry flowers in shades of purple, mauve and white, in early summer....
Raspalia trigyna
The flowering plant family Bruniaceae is almost entirely endemic to fynbos, the typical vegetation of the Cape Floral Kingdom of the Western and Eastern...
Rauvolfia caffra
A fine, fast-growing tree for sheltered gardens, easily grown from seed and an unusually decorative tree for larger gardens and parks....
Relhania speciosa
This member of the Relhania group of daisies, which are largely endemic to southern Africa, is striking for its tall stems covered in sharp,...
Restio dispar
This large, sturdy, Cape reed will introduce a true autumn feeling in your garden with its striking orange-brown, female inflorescences during April, May...
Restio festuciformis
Restio multiflorus
This is a very attractive, dense, upright, tufted plant that can be used as an accent plant or to provide a grass-like accent in a mixed border or fynbos...
Restio paniculatus
This is an attractive waterside plant which is normally found growing in waterlogged soils on river or stream banks. ...
Restio quadratus
Restio quadratus is a tall reed-like plant with a spreading habit. ...