Plants of the Week
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Zysmalobium involucratum
The long, narrow, green leaves make Xysmalobium involucratum inconspicuous in unburned grassy areas unless it is flowering. In grasslands that are grazed...
Vepris lanceolata
What a lovely, underrated shrub or tree-a plant that South Africans can definitely try in their gardens in the future!...
Freylinia visseri
Kniphofia gracilis
Kniphofias, or red-hot pokers as they are more commonly known, are popular, showy garden plants that have been valued for their dramatic appearance in...
The succulent plants of this genus have long been known as an additive to alcoholic fermentations, making them extra potent. It is the thick underground...
Encephalartos altensteinii
Encephalartos altensteinii is a very ornamental garden plant and probably the most common of all the cycads in cultivation. This species is long-lived,...
Polystachya pubescens
This delightful bright yellow, fragrant epiphytic orchid is at home on a tree branch in the forest or on a sandstone rock in the full sun....
Podalyria calyptrata
There are few shrubs to beat Podalyria calyptrata , with its attractive, glossy, silvery foliage and masses of sweet-scented mauve-pink sweetpea-like...
Lagenaria sphaerica
This vigorous climber is a close relative of the calabash and bears large, white, fragrant flowers which open in the evening, and unique mottled green...
Passerina filiformis subsp. filiformis
Passerina filiformis subsp. filiformis is a shrub growing up to 2 m. It is currently quite scarce in the Cape Peninsula, but a healthy community of these...
Crinum moorei
The Natal lily, Crinum moorei, with its large, white to pinkish red, open tubular flowers, literally glows in the dappled shade of the century-old...
Buddleja glomerata
The Karoo sagewood is an attractive foliage plant with silvery, scalloped leaves and heads of yellow flowers during spring and summer. It forms a small...
Pelargonium tetragonum
With its square, jointed, succulent stems, this fascinating pelargonium could easily mislead the casual observer into mistaking it for a member of the...
Passerina ericoides
It is a most exhilarating experience seeing Passerina ericoides growing on cliff faces at Cape Point and overlooking the vast Atlantic Ocean, with branchlets...
Harpephyllum caffrum
This is an attractive evergreen tree that is useful as an ornamental garden tree and for attracting birds and butterflies into the garden.It is popularly...
Phoenix reclinata
This graceful palm with its characteristic slender, leaning stems is a feature of riverine bush and forest in the eastern parts of the country. It is almost...
This is a family of 700-900 species of deciduous, or rarely evergreen, bulbous plants, several with brightly coloured flowers, that is well represented...
Greyia radlkoferi
The gnarled branches of Greyia radlkoferi make this small tree or shrub an attractive structural element for any garden. In nature, growing in misty gullies...
Spirostachys africana
Renowned for its beautiful wood, Spirostachys africana is a medium-sized, semi-deciduous tree with a round crown which occurs in low altitude bushveld,...
Rhodocoma capensis
A very elegant reed-like plant with slightly arching branches which have whorls of finely divided, feathery looking foliage. This species can be grown...