Plants of the Week
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Thereianthus bulbiferus
An attractive plant with moderately dense spikes of light to mid-blue flowers that blossom in abundance in burnt veld, which makes it difficult to miss....
Drimia altissima
If you are looking for one of those mass flowering, tall bulbs, this is the one....
Adromischus umbraticola
Adromischus umbraticola is a fast-growing, tufted, dwarf, succulent shrub, with attractive rounded leaves and short spikes of pink flowers in late summer....
Berkheya multijuga
The roughness of the bright green leaves in a rosette formation makes the Berkheya multijuga irresistible to watch....
Penaea cneorum
Penaea cneorum is a lanky shrub with leathery foliage and compact spikes of small yellow flowers that rest upon distinctive greenish-yellow bracts and...
Monoculus monstrosus
This plant is now called Osteospermum monstrosum (Burm.f.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt...
Tripteris clandestina
This plant is now called Osteospermum monstrosum (Burm.f.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt...
Osteospermum monstrosum
Osteospermum monstrosum is arguably the commonest Namaqualand spring annual. Most people will have noticed these small plants with yellow flowerheads and...
Drimia sphaerocephala
The phrase “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” is well expressed by the plant Drimia sphaerocephala. A bulbous plant wearing a rounded,...
Stilbe ericoides
Pink stilbe is an erect or straggling, resprouting, ericoid shrub with densely leafy, velvety branches and pink flowers in dense, rounded spikes at the...
Ledebouria lachenalioides
A rare bulbous plant from high in the Drakensberg, with broadly lanceolate, green leaves and large, pink flowers in spring....
Albizia versicolor
Albizia versicolor is a very attractive tree with its large white to greenish-yellow flower heads, bright green to reddish pods and straight trunk with...
Cissampelos capensis
Cissampelos capensis is a tough, slow-growing, sprawling or climbing shrublet with beautiful bluish-green foliage, and is a well-known medicinal plant...
Serruria zeyheri
A rarely seen, rounded shrub with impressive, loosely aggregated flowerheads made up of flowers that look like matchsticks before they open....
Crassula pellucida
Crassula pellucida is a beautiful, low-growing, creeping and spreading, perennial succulent plant with starry flowers and decorative leaves, that makes...
Faucaria subintegra
Faucaria subintegra’s innocuous teeth makes it a wonderful and unusual member of the genus, with a dense, clump-forming habit giving almost a knobby...
Brunia cordata
An eye-catching shrub with striking panicles of white flowers in spring, which grows along streams in the Western Cape....
Adromischus fallax
Adromischus fallax is a rare, cliff-hugging, occasionally pendent, leaf and stem succulent from the southern escarpment margin near Graaff Reinet in the...
Adromischus humilis
Adromischus humilis is a rare, cliff-hugging succulent from the southwestern Escarpment margin, between Sutherland and Beaufort West, in the Western Cape....
Erica vernicosa