Plants of the Week
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Pearsonia sessilifolia
The sulphur-yellow flowers of Pearsonia sessilifolia, once pollinated, turn bright organge, signalling to their pollinators to reserve their resources...
Pavonia praemorsa
Year-round, pretty lemon-yellow hibiscus-like flowers, that each only last for a day, on a low, maintenance hardy, indigenous shrub, with lots of potential...
Pavonia columella
Pavonia columella, a hardy and aromatic subshrub, shows off its delicate, white to pink flowers all year round....
Pavetta zeyheri subsp. zeyheri
A flowering plant from the genus Pavetta, P. zeyheri is a shrub or small tree that has beautiful, radiant, faintly scented white flowers in summer, that...
Pavetta schumanniana
What? A poisonous (or poisoned) bride? Surely that is the starting-point of a third-rate horror movie, or a children's fairy tale! No, in fact the...
Pavetta revoluta
This white-flowered shrub or a small tree is a joy to have in the garden; it also attracts wild life to the garden....
Pavetta lanceolata
In full flower, Pavetta lanceolata looks like a bride adorned in pure white, full of expectation and hope for a long and happy life, hence the...
Pavetta gardeniifolia
Masses of attractive creamy-white nectar-rich flowers hang from branches of glossy dark green foliage and their sweet fragrance fills the air at Christmas...
Pavetta cooperi
When in full flower, these trees or shrubs truly remind one of a beautiful, radiant bride stunningly dressed in a specially designed white garment! As...
Pauridia aquatica
Pauridia aquatica is a small geophytic plant suitable for water gardens and wetlands. Its white, star-shaped flowers with bright yellow centres, make a...
Passerina filiformis subsp. filiformis
Passerina filiformis subsp. filiformis is a shrub growing up to 2 m. It is currently quite scarce in the Cape Peninsula, but a healthy community of these...
Passerina ericoides
It is a most exhilarating experience seeing Passerina ericoides growing on cliff faces at Cape Point and overlooking the vast Atlantic Ocean, with branchlets...
Passerina corymbosa
Passerina corymbosa, a medium to tall shrub covered in masses of small creamy flowers, is fast-growing and would be a welcome addition to any fynbos...
Parinari curatellifolia
This attractive shade-providing tree is a prominent aspect in its environment, and it is no surprise that a tribute to the late Dr David Livingstone (a...
Parinari capensis subsp. capensis
A dwarf creeping tree of the South African grassland, Parinari capensis subsp. capensis, captivates with its diminutive stature and remarkable adaptability....
Paranomus sceptrum-gustavianus
This is a favourite among the Paranomus with showy, sweetly scented flowers and attractive foliage....
Paranomus reflexus
Paranomus reflexus is an unusual, decorative fynbos shrub with showy winter flowers; it is probably the best known paranomus but is not often seen...
Paranomus longicaulis
Densely white-woolly, pink and brown flowerheads, forming a short bottlebrush on a long, flowering branch, in spring to summer, with unusual foliage, bearing...
Paranomus dregei
A splendid shrub, with scented flowers that attract many insects, and very much catches the eye with its reddish involucral bracts, creamy flowers and...