Plants of the Week
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Leucadendron teretifolium
Rosy red cones and dense, compact growth, make Leucadendron teretifolium hard to miss, when walking in the veld....
Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis
Aloe striata subsp. karasbergensis is one of two less known, but equally striking, subspecies of Aloe striata. This particular subspecies is well known...
Duvernoia adhatodoides
Duvernoia adhatodoides is now Justicia adhatodoides ...
Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. ladismithiensis
Cotyledon tomentosa subsp. ladismithiensis is a medium-sized shrub, with succulent, hairy leaves and stems. It occurs in rock outcrops, shallow soil and...
Erica sociorum
Erica sociorum is the most localized of all Cape Peninsula endemic ericas, and only found growing in a very limited area on cliffs above Noordhoek....
Turraea floribunda
This is a slender, elegant tree that is ideal for small subtropical and tropical gardens. The tracery of leafless branches is covered in spring with a...
Dracaena transvaalensis
Dracaena transvaalensis is a medium-sized, aloe-like tree. It has large, elongated, ascending leaves arranged in central rosettes. The large inflorescence...
Roella muscosa
Roella muscosa is a flat-growing, herbaceous plant, with beautiful, pale icy blue flowers, growing rather inconspicuously among rocks in sand, and is found...
Erica sparsa var. sparsa
Erica sparsa is a free-flowering, relatively easy-to-grow, fynbos shrub that produces masses of small flowers in late summer, autumn and winter, that turn...
Asparagus virgatus
Asparagus virgatus is an evergreen, perennial plant that produces small, greenish white flowers in summer, and small, spheroid, red seeds. It is also known...
Gnidia denudata
Gnidia denudata is an attractive bushy shrub with long hairs that gives an effect of silver-like foliage. Like any other Gnidia species, it has terminal...
Coleotrype natalensis
The genus Coleotrype is characterised by its extremely contracted inflorescences, with each unit being subtended by a relatively large bract, and the petals...
Erica diaphana
Erica diaphana is a strong-growing heath from the southern Cape that brings summer colour to the fynbos garden....
Ursinia calenduliflora
Sansevieria hyacinthoides
The mother-in-law’s tongue is an evergreen, perennial herb, with its handsome robust, flat, dark green and fibrous leaves that attact game. Its scented...
Delosperma tradescantioides
The Kei delosperma is a cliff-hanger, mat-forming plant endemic to the Kei River and its tributaries, in the Eastern Cape. It has large, flat, hairy to...
Phragmites australis
Phragmites australia is a cosmopolitan perennial grass/reed with grey-green leaves and a light brown to purple inflorescence and the flowers are...
Encephalartos cupidus
Encephalartos cupidus is a very attractive, desirable, frost-hardy, dwarf, multi-stemmed cycad with its usually subterranean stem and blue green leaves,...
Aloidendron tongaense
A medium-sized tree-aloe endemic to the coastal forests in northern Zululand and southern Mozambique. It has showy, curved, orange flowers, and grows well...
Chrysocoma coma-aurea
This species is a showy shrub of fast growth that may be planted close together to form a good border plant, along the edges of a flower bed....