Plants of the Week
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Bonatea speciosa
Bonatea speciosa, a terrestrial orchid, is admired for its delicate, somewhat bizarre, green and white flowers. It is also comparatively easy to grow...
Bolusanthus speciosus
The tree wisteria is certainly one of the most spectacular of our indigenous trees when in flower, mimicking the splendour of the jacaranda, which unfortunately...
Bolboschoenus maritimus
Blighia unijugata
A medium to large evergreen tree, with sweetly scented flowers that attract butterflies to the garden, followed by pink to red, pear-shaped fruit that...
Blechnum tabulare
This is a large attractive fern for the shady garden....
Berzelia stokoei
The striking red flowers of Berzelia stokoei are a sight to behold when walking in the tranquil mountains of the Overberg region. This plant was previously...
Berzelia lanuginosa
Berzelia lanuginosa is one of twelve species in the genus Berzelia in the Bruniaceae, one of the few families that is endemic to the Cape floral kingdom...
Berzelia cordifolia
A small, upright shrub with clusters of ball-shaped, white flower heads in spring....
Berzelia albiflora
Whenever this beautiful shrub is placed on our specimen table, it is often greeted with surprise as if it has never been seen before. It is easy to overlook,...
Berzelia abrotanoides
Berzelia abrotanoides is a distinctive and beautiful, softly textured shrub endemic to the Western Cape. Displays of masses of fluffy ball-like flower...
Berula repanda
Berula repanda is a luxuriantly foliaged plant, ideal for a garden pond or wet patch, and it is in full flower now....
Bersama tysoniana
Bersama tysoniana is an attractive tree because of its dense foliage, russet-brown new growth and knobbly fruits that split into quarters, exposing red...
Bersama lucens
Bersama lucens is not a common garden plant, rather a specialist specimen that still needs to be promoted in the garden fraternity....
Berkheya setifera
A robust perennial, with profuse, bright yellow flowers and bristly leaves; one of the 71 species that are found in South Africa out of the 75 species...
Berkheya purpurea
A prickly thistle, Berkheya purpurea turns into a surprisingly beautiful perennial when flowering in midsummer....
Berkheya multijuga
The roughness of the bright green leaves in a rosette formation makes the Berkheya multijuga irresistible to watch....
Berkheya griquana
This robust yellow African Thistle flourishes in the grasslands of East Griqualand.Fig. 1. Bright yellow flower head of Berkheya griquana. ...
Berkeya barbata
A beauty to admire but painful to touch: handle with care. These sunflower-like daisies often make very attractive displays, but the thorns on the leaves,...
Bergeranthus scapiger
A dwarf, clump-forming, water-wise succulent, with smooth, glossy leaves and branched clusters of golden-yellow flowers in winter and spring. It is grown...
Bergbambos tessellata
This is one of only two species of bamboo that are indigenous to South Africa. It is a small, tough bamboo that will tolerate wind and frost, preferring...