Plants of the Week
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Berkheya purpurea
A prickly thistle, Berkheya purpurea turns into a surprisingly beautiful perennial when flowering in midsummer....
Oplismenus hirtellus
An outstanding groundcover for those difficult shady areas under trees, the grass Oplismenus hirtellus makes an interesting textured carpet of deep green...
Sorghum bicolor
This crop plant has been cultivated in southern Africa for over 3 000 years....
Maesa lanceolata
An apple-green tree-shrub gives shade to a cool, inviting stream: this idyllic prospect is repeated a million times in KwaZulu-Natal , South Africa 's...
Stenoglottis woodii
This easy to grow, miniature, terrestrial orchid from the eastern seaboard of South Africa, provides a long-flowering summer display on a protected patio...
Burchellia bubalina
The wild pomegranate is an attractive ornamental shrub/tree that is also used to attract nectar-feeding birds. The combination of its bright red flowers...
Combretum woodii
Erica denticulata
Erica denticulata stands out in a family of over 700 species as being one of the few that have scented flowers. The scent is reminiscent of carnations...
Mimetes cucullatus
Mimetes cucullatus is eye-catching, unusual and colourful all year round, and it is among the easiest members of the protea family to grow....
Acacia nilotica subsp.kraussiana
This plant is now called Vachellia nilotica subsp. kraussiana...
Chasmanthe aethiopica
This attractive species is one of the earliest of the Cape bulbs to flower, its spikes of orange, tubular flowers providing welcome interest to the winter...
Schefflera umbellifera
This tree is an upright tree with a rounded crown suitable for a courtyard or gardens with limited space. It was selected as one of the South African Trees...
Vachellia nilotica subsp. kraussiana
If you were a game or stock farmer with browsers on your property, this lovely Vachellia species would be an asset to you. Please just remember the...
Aeollanthus parvifolius
Aeollanthus parvifolius is a drought-tolerant, succulent, autumn-flowering plant suitable for dry bushveld and grassland gardens. Its succulent nature...
Euphorbia cooperi
Euphorbia cooperi is a succulent tree up to 7 m tall, with conspicuous candelabra-like branches. This plant has milky latex highly poisonous to humans...
Species of the mesemb genus Malephora enliven some of the most arid gardens of southern Africa with their brightly coloured flowers and vigorous, creeping...
Acorus calamus
Acorus calamus is a reed-like, aquatic plant with a pungent smell that has been used medicinally since biblical times. It has many traditional uses all...
Berzelia lanuginosa
Berzelia lanuginosa is one of twelve species in the genus Berzelia in the Bruniaceae, one of the few families that is endemic to the Cape floral kingdom...
Crocosmia masoniorum
Arguably the loveliest all Crocosmia species, C. masoniorum deserves to be more widely grown than it is. Rare in the wild, it has nevertheless...
Cucumis africanus
The fruits of this species, looking like small, prickly and striped cucumbers, were pickled and preserved in old Cape kitchens....