Plants of the Week
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Erica heliophila
Erica heliophila gives a show of creamy white or pale to deep pink flowers in midsummer (December to February)....
Crassula tetragona
An attractive, hardy, evergreen succulent plant with a compact upright habit, dark green, sword-shaped leaves that curve upwards and creamy white flowers....
Grewia microthyrsa
An indigenous shrub with edible fruit and attractive flowers....
Portulacaria namaquensis
Portulacaria namaquensis is an ascending, slow-growing shrub with pale creamy to yellowish or greyish, pencil-thin stems bearing many very short spur-branches...
Ledebouria humifusa
The broad-leaved African hyacinth is a bulbous plant with broad usually spotted leaves, which prefers to grow in the shade of forests or wooded areas amongst...
Helichrysum drakensbergense
The Drakensberg everlasting is a small perennial herb with woolly grey leaves and compact flat inflorescences of yellow flowers on long stalks covered...
Kniphofia northiae
Kniphofia northiae, is an award-winning, gigantic red-hot poker, its striking architectural leaves and hardiness making it significant in gardening.Fig....
Empodium veratrifolium
The bright yellow West Coast star appears after the first good autumn rains, at a time when few other geophytes are in flower. It is easily grown in pots,...
Phaulopsis imbricata
Phaulopsis imbricata is a bushy, perennial herbaceous plant, with small white flowers in short spikes that are sticky to the touch. Easy to grow, it is...
Searsia tomentosa
Searsia tomentosa is an attractive, bushy shrub to small tree with multi-coloured foliage, that is commonly known as bicoloured currant. It produces flowers...
Merwilla plumbea subsp. kraussii
Falling under one of the most complicated genera, Merwilla plumbea subsp. kraussii, small as it is, sure has a lot of potential to be a rewarding pot plant...
Sesamum saxicola
With the Soutpansberg in the extreme north eastern Venda and Kruger National Park being its only home, Sesamum saxicola grows in sandstone crevices, overhanging...
Erica cubica var. cubica
Erica cubica displays a mass of deep pink flowers in early summer....
Dicerocaryum senecioides
Dicerocaryum senecioides is now known as Sesamum senecioides ...
Dicerocaryum eriocarpum
Dicerocaryum eriocarpum is now known as Sesamum eriocarpum ...
Ceratotheca saxicola
Ceratotheca saxicola is now known as Sesamum saxicola ...
Sesamum trilobum
Flowering during the warm summer and into autumn, this tall elegant annual adds a cool and lush feeling to the garden. In nature they are commonly found...
Astroloba subg. Poellnitzia
This subgenus comprises a single species....
Astroloba subg. Astroloba sect. Vastora
The species in this section have leaves that are glossy. Due to their relatively small divergence angle, the leaves form five ranks that are either vertical...
Astroloba subg. Astroloba sect. Inflata
The species in this section have leaves that are matt and unadorned. The inflorescence is usually unbranched, and the flowers have somewhat inflated perianth...