Plants of the Week
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Gardenia volkensii
The bushveld gardenia is a small, relatively slow-growing tree, ideal as a focus plant in summer rainfall gardens or on patios....
Gardenia thunbergia
Gardenia cornuta
The spectacular, large white and yellow flowers with their sweet scent, attracts passersby from a distance to this small, much-branched tree. The smooth,...
Garcinia livingstonei
From time to time one reads of individualists doing strange things and calling it 'living art'. Here is a tree which produces very tasty fruit,...
Garcinia gerrardii
Related to the mangosteen from India, the forest garcinia is not a well-known garden ornamental, but it could be. It has fragrant flowers in early summer,...
Galtonia regalis
Galtonia regalis is now called Ornithogalum regale...
Galtonia candicans
Galtonia candicans is now called Ornithogalum candicans....
Galpinia transvaalica
This tree is part of a small family of herbs, small trees and shrubs found in subtropical and tropical regions. Its attractive flowerheads and coloured...