Plants of the Week
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Selago villicaulis ‘Purple Turtle’
This is a low growing perennial with striking lavender flowers, which appear twice in a year, in midwinter to spring and in midsummer, and sporadically...
Scadoxus membranaceus
This beautiful, compact growing, evergreen Scadoxus has spirally arranged leaves and striking red flowerheads that resemble a paint brush, surrounded by...
Salvia africana-lutea
Salvia africana-lutea is now called Salvia aurea...
Salvia africana-caerulea
Salvia africana-caerulea is now called Salvia africana....
Serruria candicans
Sporobolus africanus
Sporobolus africanus is a tough, palatable, perennial grass with a low leaf production. It is a good indicator of disturbed veld....
Schizaea pectinata
Is it a restio? Is it a sedge? No! It is Schizaea pectinata. When walking in the fynbos of the Western Cape of South Africa, one is likely to come across...
Solanum africanum
A hardy creeper or shrub, with yellow-centered, purple, mauve or white flowers in midsummer to spring. It can be successfully utilized to cover a trellis...
Streptocarpus floribundus
Streptocarpus floribundus is a rare and threatened, vibrant gem, thriving in dense clusters among the doleritic outcrops of Kranskop, in KwaZulu-Natal....
Senecio maritimus
A somewhat succulent annual, ideally suited to coastal gardens and common along the Western Cape coast, where its bright yellow flowers light up large...
Syncarpha ferruginea
Syncarpha ferruginea is a small fynbos shrub with felted grey leaves and attractive yellow-brown, everlasting flower heads in spring and summer....
Senecio voigtii
Senecio voigtii is an attractive, multi-stemmed shrublet, 300-600 mm tall, from the dry river valleys in the Eastern Cape. It is immediately recognized...
Stadmania oppositifolia subsp. rhodesica
An awesome small tree with the most attractive flowers and fruits....
Staberoha cernua
An attractive, small, tufted restio, with brown-tan seed heads that is ideal for fynbos gardens. ...
Schotia capitata
A dwarf relative of the weeping boer-bean, with a short, bushy form and numerous scarlet flowers in dense heads in spring and early summer, common in eastern...
Streptocarpus molweniensis
Colourful, and with a long-lasting display, the Molweni streptocarpus is one of few monocarpic, one-leaved Streptocarpus with a conspicuous inflorescence...
Searsia incisa
Rub-rub currant is an attractive shrub, and, as the common name says, it has edible, furry fruits, that need to be rubbed in the hand a couple of times...
Stapelia gigantea
Stapelia gigantea has the largest flowers (up to 40 cm across) of any plant in our region and is one of the easiest stapeliads to grow. Plants are widely...
Sesamum senecioides
A prostrate perennial, with annual creeping stems and white to pinkish flowers. It takes over open spaces in grassland and it is used as substitute for...
Staavia radiata
A daisy-like fynbos shrub and a favourite in horticulture, with a good reputation, as it responds well to being trimmed and maintained, once propagated....