Plants of the Week
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Rhynchosia adenodes
A bright yellow-flowered, indigenous, prostrate herb, with long trailing stems; its roots are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of rheumatism,...
Rhynchosia albissima
A bright yellow-flowered, robust and erect indigenous herb, velvety with silvery grey hairs. Its roots are used in traditional medicine to treat male impotence,...
Rhynchosia caribaea
An indigenous, herbaceous climber; its roots are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of rheumatism and alleviation of headaches....
Rhynchosia hirta
A lovely indigenous vine with attractive blue seeds; an alternative to gardeners over exotics....
Rhynchosia sublobata
A yellow-flowered, indigenous African herb, with twining stems and velvety with silvery grey hairs. Its roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine...
Rinorea angustifolia subsp. natalensis
Riocreuxia genus
Most species in this genus are herbaceous climbers and may cover their supporting vegetation in a green mass of leaves....
Roella ciliata
Roella ciliata is a sun-loving, summer-flowering fynbos shrublet with large, showy flowers, but it is not yet well known in cultivation because it is...
Roella glomerata
Roella glomerata with its large, white to pale blue flowers, is the only member of the South African endemic genus, Roella that is found...
Roella muscosa
Roella muscosa is a flat-growing, herbaceous plant, with beautiful, pale icy blue flowers, growing rather inconspicuously among rocks in sand, and is found...
Roepera flexuosa
A bright-flowering and hardy small shrub for the fynbos, succulent or semi-succulent garden alike....
Roosia lucilleae
One of two species belonging to the genus Roosia, endemic to sheer, quarzitic, sandstone cliff-faces in the heart of the winter-rainfall region of South...
Roridula dentata
Roridula dentata is a tentacle-leaved shrub that has a unique symbiotic relationship with the assassin bug, Pameridea marlothii. Although commonly known...
Roridula gorgonias
Roridula gorgonias with its beautiful pink flowers and sticky leaves certainly captures the attention of many. Its peculiar relationship with the assassin...
Rotheca hirsuta
Rotheca hirsuta occurs mainly in grassland. It is one of the first spring flowers to appear after winter in the summer rainfall regions....
Rotheca louwalbertsii
Rotheca louwalbertsii is a slender, dainty plant with purplish blue flowers borne in long, terminal inflorescences. The individual flowers look almost...
Rothmannia capensis
Rothmannia capensis is one of the loveliest indigenous trees for the home garden. It attracts birds and it has a non-aggressive root system. ...