Plants of the Week
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Ursinia anthemoides subsp. anthemoides
Ursinia anthemoides, with its bright yellow flowers, catches the eye wherever it is planted. In spring the plants make a mass display, especially in Niewoudtville...
Ursinia cakilefolia
Bright and cheerful, the annual ursinias are some of the easiest plants to grow for spring colour. ...
Ursinia calenduliflora
Ursinia chrysanthemoides
A showy upright or mat-forming spring flowering perennial with daisy flowers in various colours....
Ursinia chrysanthemoides var. geyeri
Once thought to be extinct, Ursinia chrysanthemoides var. geyeri, the crimson-flowered herbaceous daisy has found its way back into cultivation....
Ursinia nana
An attractive, spreading, annual herb with yellow flowers, which blooms in the spring to early summer period. With its spreading habit and fine foliage,...
Ursinia paleacea
This cheerful and resilient perennial is a must for any fynbos garden!...
Ursinia sericea
Ursinia sericea is an attractive, easy-to-grow perennial, adding texture and silver highlights to the garden....
Ursinia speciosa
Ursinia speciosa will brighten up any garden during late winter or early spring with its showy orange or yellow flowers....
Uvaria caffra
Vaccinium exul
In southern Africa the heath family (Ericaceae) is represented by only two indigenous genera: Erica which is extremely speciose, containing ± 770...
Vachellia erioloba
The beautiful, slow-growing camel thorn grows well in poor soils and in harsh environmental conditions. It is an ideal shrub/tree for a small or large...
Vachellia hebeclada subsp. hebeclada
This beautiful shrub to small tree is the most common naturally occurring vachellia in the Free State National Botanical Garden. It may reach up to 7 m...
Vachellia karroo
Known for many years as Acacia karroo, this is one of South Africa's most beautiful and useful trees. It is integrally part of our country's history...
Vachellia kosiensis
This is a quick-growing, handsome tree that attracts many birds, bees and other insects and even bushbabies to the garden; it is also a useful barrier...
Vachellia nilotica subsp. kraussiana
If you were a game or stock farmer with browsers on your property, this lovely Vachellia species would be an asset to you. Please just remember the...
Vachellia robusta subsp. robusta
This is a small to medium, upright, deciduous thorn tree consisting of a narrow crown. The narrow upright growth and majestic stature, makes it one of...
Vachellia sekhukhuniensis
Having the largest leaflets, that distinguishes it from all the vachellias, the Sekhukhune thorn is only known to occur in a small location in Sekhukhuneland...
Vachellia sieberiana var. woodii
Pure stands of these beautifully shaped trees with their perfectly flattened crowns are quite stunning. Where else but in Africa would you encounter such...
Vachellia tortilis
A drought-resistant tree with the classic, umbrella-shaped canopy associated with thorn trees. Many bird species take advantage of the protection it offers...