Plants of the Week
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Searsia pondoensis
The many-veined currant is a relatively small perennial re-sprouter with green to greyish foliage, confined to grassland and open woodland....
Searsia pendulina
Searsia pendulina is a perfect tree for the suburban garden, it is quick and easy to grow, tolerates wind and drought, is evergreen with a graceful habit...
Searsia natalensis
An attractive hedge or garden tree that is also used medicinally for various ailments. It can be easily propagated from seed....
Searsia magalismontana subsp. magalismontana
Nowadays, when small gardens are the order of the day, this lovely little multistemmed shrub has been overlooked as a potential form plant for that special...
Searsia lucida
A versatile shrub or small tree, with attractive shiny leaves and creamy white flowers, which are followed by green fruits that ripen to red-brown and...
Searsia leptodictya
The mountain karee is an essential 'bird-garden' tree, which also makes a good frost-hardy, and drought-tolerant shade tree. Another special feature...
Searsia lancea
The karee is a small- to medium-sized evergreen tree that usually grows to a height of 7 m and a width of 7 m but can be larger depending on environmental...
Searsia incisa
Rub-rub currant is an attractive shrub, and, as the common name says, it has edible, furry fruits, that need to be rubbed in the hand a couple of times...
Searsia glauca
Searsia glauca is a sprawling, wind resistant shrub or small tree, that is perfect in harsh coastal conditions, with berries that attract pollinators and...
Searsia gerrardii
Searsia gerrardii is a shrub-like tree with a graceful, weeping habit, striking reddish bark and noticeable orange lenticels (raised pores) on the branchlets....
Searsia erosa
The Free State is a haven for many different plant species, one of the most interesting in the family Anacardiaceae being Searsia erosa and it grows well...
Searsia discolor
This attractive shrub is grown mainly for its fine foliage. Along with several other species in this genus, it is overlooked as a garden plant. Very little...
Searsia dentata
The nana-berry, Searsia dentata, is an attractive shrub indigenous to South Africa with showy, lovely yellow to orange-red foliage in autumn. It is a common...
Searsia crenata
If you live near the coast and need a plant that can serve as a windbreaker, is drought tolerant and able to bind soil effectively, then Searsia crenata is...
Searsia ciliata
Searsia ciliata is one of the more modest members of this popular group of garden plants which hybridize easily. This species, like several others in the...
Searsia chirindensis
The red currant, Searsia chirindensis, is an attractive, African tree with lovely reddish autumn foliage. It is common throughout the eastern part...
Searsia burchellii
A much-branched, evergreen shrub or small tree with small, glossy, waxy leaves, common in the dry karroid regions of southern Africa, that is frost hardy...
Searsia batophylla
The bramble currant is a shrub with conspicuously bicoloured (two-coloured), bramble-like leaves which make it easy to identify.This plant was previously...
Scolopia mundii
Scolopia mundii is a graceful and attractive tree producing glossy, dark green leaves and striking yellow to orange fruits. It is relatively widespread...
Sclerochiton harveyanus
Unusually lipped, mauve-blue flowers create a pretty floral display on this shade-loving shrub with its attractive glossy green foliage....