Plants of the Week
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Encephalartos transvenosus
As a garden subject, Encephalartos transvenosus, with its glossy dark-green leaves, is one of the most spectacular and tallest of all cycad species. It...
Searsia discolor
This attractive shrub is grown mainly for its fine foliage. Along with several other species in this genus, it is overlooked as a garden plant. Very little...
Anisodontea julii
Anisodontea julii, valued for its quick growth, is a tall, graceful shrub with velvety, maple-like leaves and wonderful displays of large pink flowers...
Buddleja loricata
Mountain sagewood is an interesting Buddleja for small gardens or town houses, particularly those inland at higher altitudes. It has a tidy, rounded shape,...
Kedrostis hirtella
This climber, with bright green velvety leaves, bears bright orange-red fruit that will attract birds to your garden....
Argyroderma theartii
Argyroderma theartii is a beautiful, dwarf, cluster-forming, winter growing succulent plant, bearing striking, bright purple-pink flowers during the...
Cussonia thyrsiflora
This evergreen shrub or small tree is an ideal specimen to include in coastal gardens, as it is very hardy and well-adapted to dry coastal scrub. It bears...
Dimorphotheca ecklonis
Dimorphotheca ecklonis has beautiful, white ray florets and a dark blue centre (disc florets). A collection of these plants in full bloom certainly...
Euryops tenuissimus
Travellers in large areas of the Western and Northern Cape will often stop during springtime to admire the stunning bright yellow flowering bushes along...
Rapanea melanophloeos
The graceful Cape Beech is a hardy tree for a large, coastal garden setting, and for windy areas....
Senecio tamoides
Diosma prama
Take a closer look at Diosma prama with masses of tiny creamy white flowers covering the entire bush during its winter flowering season. It creates a...
The great charm of the South African euphorbias lies in their varied appeal. They offer something for every taste. A collection may comprise a few selected...
Pelargonium grossularioides
If you delight in tiny flowers then the gooseberry-leaved pelargonium is a plant you will enjoy!...
The sheer exuberance of brunsvigias flowering en masse is a natural spectacle that should not be missed....
Nymania capensis
Trema orientalis
Trema orientalis is a fast-growing shade tree with soft foliage, best suited to gardens and streets in the warmer and wetter regions of southern Africa...
Dioscorea elephantipes
Dioscorea elephantipes is one of the most beautiful, weird and wonderful, caudiciform plants around! It has a deeply fissured surface, resembling...
Encephalartos villosus
Encephalartos villosus is one of the most common ornamental dwarf cycads in southern Africa. It is shade-loving and produces leaves which spread out...
Merxmuellera macowanii
M. macowanii is a wiry grass, forming large, lax tussocks and flowering in summer. Grasses are the most important plant family in the world,...