Plants of the Week
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Melianthus elongatus
Melianthus comosus
Melianthus comosus is an ideal plant for a low-maintenance, waterwise garden, but it does need to be pruned to keep it neat and to encourage new growth....
Melasphaerula graminea
This attractive, winter-growing, bulbous plant, with its lax sprays of half-nodding, long lasting, grass-like flowers, is ideal for hanging baskets....
Maytenus procumbens
As the species name suggests, Maytenus procumbens is a tidy and procumbent coastal shrub or small tree. It is very pleasing to the eye especially with...
Maytenus oleoides
Maytenus oleioides is a handsome tree with a deep green, dense, rounded crown and stout trunk, a good choice for today's smaller gardens as it...
Maytenus acuminata var. acuminata 'Silky Showers'
Maytenus 'Silky Showers' is a superb garden plant originally found in the warm, partially shaded valleys of the Little Karoo. It grows to...
Maurocenia frangula
Maurocenia frangula provides interest throughout the year; with its scarlet, new growth in winter, bright cerise edible berries in autumn, and its decorative,...
Marsilea schelpeana
Marsilea schelpeana is an aquatic plant with a creeping stem, bearing stalked, floating leaves. It is found in areas that become marshy after rain, but...
Markhamia zanzibarica
Markhamia zanzibarica, a small, tropical tree with striking flowers and decorative fruits, is Tree of the Year for 2008, together with Diospyros...
Marchantia berteroana
Marchantia berteroana is of one the most attractive and relatively large liverworts in South Africa. It thrives in constantly damp, shaded areas....
Marasmodes trifida
This little known and not so beautiful plant is highly threatened; it is easily identifiable from other members of the genus by its leaves that split into...
Marasmodes dummeri
The extremely small, adpressed leaves of Marasmodes dummeri and the terminal, clustered flower heads make it distinct from other species of the same genus....
Marasmodes defoliata
The long, narrow, leaves of Marasmodes defoliata are shed at an early stage (caducous) exposing its slender stems, leaving them bare. Its bell-shaped,...
The relatively unknown genus Marasmodes is confined to the lowlands of the south-western Western Cape and occurs in the critically endangered Renosterveld...
Manulea tomentosa
This is a perennial herb that can blossom in the seedling stage. It has grey, woolly, fleshy leaves, conspicuous finger-like heads of brownish yellow or...
Manochlamys albicans
Manochlamys albicans is a fast-growing shrub that has a striking appearance and great potential to rehabilitate saline soils....
Species of the mesemb genus Malephora enliven some of the most arid gardens of southern Africa with their brightly coloured flowers and vigorous, creeping...
Maesa lanceolata
An apple-green tree-shrub gives shade to a cool, inviting stream: this idyllic prospect is repeated a million times in KwaZulu-Natal , South Africa 's...
Maerua cafra
This is an unusual, very attractive little tree, especially when covered in fragrant white flowers in early spring. You may need to be patient...
Maerua angolensis subsp. angolensis
This frost and drought resistant tree, with its scented flowers from mid-winter until early summer, will attract butterflies and insect-eating birds, in...