Plants of the Week
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Lampranthus aureus
One of the most colourful succulent plants is undoubtedly the beautiful bright orange Lampranthus aureus. It is one of the 'must-have' plants for...
Lampranthus bicolor
This is a beautiful species; when in bud, it displays the orange-red on the reverse of the petals, and as it opens it reveals their bright yellow upper...
Lampranthus haworthii
This is a tall, robust plant by vygie standards, with large, metallic pink, white or light purple flowers....
Lampranthus hoerleinianus
Lampranthus hoerleinianus, a tall mesemb with showy purple flowers, is found in northern Namaqualand, the Richtersveld and southern Namibia....
Lampranthus roseus
Commonly cultivated shrubby succulents, covered with brilliant pink flowers in spring...
Lampranthus tegens
A flat-growing, mat-forming, leaf succulent, often rooting at the nodes, and an easy-to-grow, drought tolerant plant for fynbos gardens, especially on...
Lampranthus tenuifolius
Lampranthus tenuifolius is the ideal plant for the harsh conditions experienced on the Cape Flats. Its waterwise nature and beautiful flowers will provide...
Lanaria lanata
Lanaria lanata is packed full of surprises. With its grass-like leaves and white, woolly inflorescence, one would think that that would be all it has to...
Landolphia kirkii
Named after its delicious fruit, the sand apricot-vine is a liane with many strong tendrils, glossy foliage, a branched inflorescence of small, scented,...
Lannea discolor
Lannea edulis var. edulis
A dwarf shrub, with stubby stems arising from a woody rootstock; it bears large leaves compared to the size of the plant. The fruits are edible, with a...
Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii
This small to medium-sized, deciduous tree, with its small, creamy white to yellow flowers and aromatic leaves, will not only attract birds to your garden,...
Lantana rugosa
From a distance, if it looks like the famous fever-tea or lemon bush plant (Lippia javanica), it is most likely Lantana rugosa. Sadly, sharing the common...
Lapeirousia anceps
A small bulbous plant that is drought tolerant and thrives on low rainfall, transforming the veld with a spectacular display of masses of tubular, white...
Lapeirousia corymbosa
Lapeirousia corymbosa is now classified as Codonorhiza corymbosa ...
Lapeirousia jacquinii
A small plant with vibrant purple, white and reddish flowers, best enjoyed at close quarters. It is perfectly suited for pots in small spaces, grows easily...
Lapeirousia pyramidalis subsp. pyramidalis
This hardy, dwarf irid is ideal for arid areas and has strikingly attractive, fragrant flowers in spring....
Laportea grossa
Laportea grossa has decorative, glossy dark green foliage with conspicuous white spots - an excellent plant to brighten up a shady bed, but it needs careful...
Lasiosiphon deserticola
An evergreen shrub with bright, ochre-yellow, night-scented flowers, which can be used to make a yellow dye....
Lasiosiphon kraussianus
Lasiosiphon kraussianus is a useful medicinal plant, but it can be very poisonous to humans. It can also be very poisonous to foraging animals....