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Bulbine latifolia
PlantCommon names: broad-leaved bulbine (Eng.); rooiwortel, geelkopieva (Afr.); incelwane (isiXhosa), ibhucu (isiZulu)
Family: Asphodelaceae
15/08/2005 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Bulbine narcissifolia
PlantCommon names: strap-leaved bulbine, snake flower (Eng.); lintblaar bulbine, geelslangkop, wildekopieva (Afr.); khomo-ea-balisa, serelelile (Southern Sotho)
Family: Asphodelaceae
05/11/2007 | | Biosystematics
Burchellia bubalina
PlantCommon names: wild pomegranate (Eng.); wildegranaat (Afr.); iThobankomo (X), isiGolwane (Z); maHlosana (Sw)
Family: Rubiaceae
14/02/2005 | | Walter Sisulu NBG
Burkea africana
PlantCommon names: wild seringa (Eng.); wildesering (Afr.); mpulu (Tsonga), monato (Tswana); monatô (Northern Sotho); mufhulu (Venda)
Family: Fabaceae
25/01/2010 | | National Herbarium Pretoria
Buxus macowanii
PlantCommon names: African box, Cape box, small-leaved box (Eng.), buig-my-nie, Afrikaansebuksboom, Kaapsebuksboom, kleinblaarbuksboom (Afr.), igalagala (isiXhosa), umgalagala, umphicamaguma (isiZulu)
Family: Buxaceae
06/05/2002 | | Walter Sisulu NBG
Cadaba aphylla
PlantCommon names: leafless cadaba, leafless wormbush, black storm, desert spray (Eng.); swartstorm, bobbejaanarm, bloustam, doubos, douwurmbos, gifhoutjie, rooistorm, stormbos (Afr.); mfitshwana, mhitshwana, monnamontsho (TW), mudiatsiwana, tshikuni (V), usitorhom (X)
Family: Brassicaceae
03/05/2004 | | Karoo Desert NBG
Caesalpinia rostrata
PlantCommon names: beakpod plumeflower/ beaked plumeflower (Eng.); tuitpeulpronkstert (Afr.)
Family: Fabaceae
08/04/2013 | | Lowveld NBG
Callilepis laureola
PlantCommon names: Ox-eye Daisy (eng.); Wildemargriet (Afr.); mila (Sw); amafuthomhlaba, ihlamvu, impila (Z)
Family: Asteraceae
24/03/2008 | | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
Calobota cytisoides
PlantCommon names: bush ganna (Eng.), ganna, geelertjiebos, kristinabos (Afr.)
Family: Fabaceae
14/06/2010 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Calodendrum capense
PlantCommon names: Cape chestnut, wild chestnut (Eng.); wildekastaiing, Kaapsekastaiing (Afr.); umbaba, umsitshana (Xhosa); umbhaba, umemezi omhlophe (Zulu), molalakgwedi, mookêlêla (N.Sotho); muvhaha (Venda)
Family: Rutaceae
17/12/2001 | | Kirstenbosch NBG