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SABONET Nyika expedition 2000
Information Library item
Author: Kurzweil Hubert | Date: 2001
Source: Veld & Flora 87(2)67-711 | Copyright: Botanical Society
Source: Veld & Flora 87(2)67-711 | Copyright: Botanical Society
Common names: bead vine, coral bead plant, coral bean, crabs eye, licorice vine, love bean, lucky bean creeper, prayer beads, prayer bean, precatory pea, red bead vine, rosary bean, rosary pea, weather plant, weather vine (Eng.); amabope (Ndebele); nsimani (Shangaan); and umkhokha (Zulu)
Family: Fabaceae
05/01/2009 | | Pretoria NBG
Senegalia ataxacantha
PlantCommon names: Flamethorn (E), Vlamdoring / Rank wag-'n-bietjie (Afr), umThathawe (Z), Mologa (N.Sotho), Mogôkatau (Setsw), Muluwa (V), umNga (X).
Family: Fabaceae
14/05/2001 | | Walter Sisulu NBG
Senegalia caffra
PlantCommon names: common hook-thorn, cat thorn(English); gewone haakdoring, katdoring (Afrikaans); umTholo (Zulu); Motholo (N. Sotho); Morutlhare (Tswana); Mbvhinya-xihloka (Tsonga)
Family: Fabaceae
22/10/2001 | | Walter Sisulu NBG
Vachellia erioloba
PlantCommon names: camel thorn (Eng.); kameeldoring (Afr.)
Family: Fabaceae
26/12/2005 | | Walter Sisulu NBG
Senegalia galpinii
PlantCommon names: monkey-thorn (Eng.), Tshikwalo (Tshivenda), apiesdoring (Afr.), Molopa (North Sotho)
Family: Fabaceae
20/01/2003 | | Pretoria NBG
Common names: candle thorn (Eng.); trassiebos (Afr.); mohae (S. Sotho)
Family: Fabaceae
19/04/2010 | | Free State NBG
Vachellia karroo
PlantCommon names: sweet thorn (English); soetdoring (Afrikaans); mookana (North Sotho); mooka (Tswana); umuNga (Zulu) (Xhosa)
Family: Fabaceae
01/01/2002 | | Walter Sisulu NBG
Common names: black thorn (Eng.); swarthaak, blouhaak, hakiesdoring (Afr.); monga (Tswana); mongangatau (Northern Sotho); munembedzi (Tshivenda); monkana (Siswati)
Family: Fabaceae
14/01/2013 | | National Herbarium Pretoria
Senegalia nigrescens
PlantCommon names: knob thorn (Eng.); knoppiesdoring (Afr.); muunga (Tshivenda); mooka (Sepedi); umKhaya (Zulu)
Family: Fabaceae
12/09/2011 | | National Herbarium Pretoria