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Felicia echinata
PlantCommon names: dune daisy, prickly felicia (Eng.), bloublommetjie (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae
06/08/2001 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Felicia elongata
PlantCommon names: Saldanha felicia, tricolour felicia (Eng.), driekleurblommetjie (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae
10/09/2001 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Felicia erigeroides
PlantCommon names: wild aster, wild Michaelmas daisy (Eng.); wilde-aster (Afr.); isithelelo, ixhaphozi (Zulu)
Family: Asteraceae
06/07/2009 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Common names: fine-leaved felicia, needle-leaved felicia, wild aster (Eng.); draaibos (Afr.); sehalahala-seseholo (Southern Sotho)
Family: Asteraceae
22/11/2004 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
PlantCommon names: sedges (Eng.); biesies (Afr.); Ficinia radiata : star grass (Eng.) stergras (Afr.)
Family: Cyperaceae
21/05/2007 | | CREW
Ficus abutilifolia
PlantCommon names: large-leaved rock fig, rock wild fig (Eng.); grootblaarrotsvy, klipvy (Afr.); inkokhokho, impayi, ubambematsheni (Zulu); momelantsweng (Tswana); tshikululu (Venda); amphayi (Thonga); monokane (North Sotho)
Family: Moraceae
18/12/2006 | | Pretoria NBG
Ficus ingens
PlantCommon names: red-leaved rock fig (Eng.); rooiblaarvy (Afr.); mohlatsa (North Sotho); motlhatsa (Tswana); tshikululu (Venda); umthombe (Xhosa); umgonswane (Zulu)
Family: Moraceae
28/11/2005 | | National Herbarium Pretoria
Ficus lutea
PlantCommon names: giant-leaved fig (Eng.); reuseblaarvy (Afr.); umvubu, omkhulu (Zulu); umthombe, uluzi (Xhosa)
Family: Moraceae
15/03/2004 | | Kirstenbosch NBG
Ficus sansibarica
PlantCommon names: Zanzibar fig, knobbly fig, wild fig (Eng.); knoppiesvy (Afr.); Inkokhokho (Swazi); Mohlapu (SN); Nhlampfu (TS); Mutamvu, Muuno, Muvumo, Mudzulatshinya (Venda); Mutsamvo (Ndau); Shinshamfaan (Ironga)
Family: Moraceae
19/10/2009 | | Lowveld NBG
Ficus sur
PlantCommon names: broom cluster fig (Eng.); besem-trosvy (Afr.); mogo-tshetlo (North Sotho); umkhiwane (Xhosa); umkhiwane (Zulu)
Family: Moraceae
10/02/2003 | | Walter Sisulu NBG