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544 results found for ' nectar' (displaying page 5 of 55)
Melianthus comosus
Plant... are clustered towards the tips of the branches. The small, nectar-rich bird-pollinated flowers, borne in a short ... The brightly coloured red flowers produce an abundance of nectar that attracts sunbirds, Cape white eyes, bees and ... and anthos, ' flower', meaning that it has abundant nectar. Comosus means 'with a tuft of hair or leaves'. There ...
Pentanisia prunelloides
Plant... Butterflies and moths use their long tongues to reach the nectar in the bottom of the tubular flower, and in the ...
Protea eximia
Plant... eximia is pollinated by the Sugarbird, Promerops cafer. Nectar is found at the base of each flower. To get to it, the ... the protea beetle, which comes in search of pollen and nectar. The protea beetles are large and brush the pollen ... are not the main pollinators. Sunbirds also feed on the nectar, but they do not effect pollination as they 'cheat' by ...
Protea cynaroides
Plant... sheen are the most prized. Protea cynaroides is visited by nectar feeding birds, such as Sugarbirds and Sunbirds, and by ... the birds that pollinate the flowers. As they feed on the nectar in the flowers, their heads touch the pollen ... bees, as well as by birds. The birds are attracted by the nectar as well as by the insects visiting the flowers. The ...
Protea obtusifolia
Plant... is pollinated by the Sugarbird, Promerops cafer. Nectar is found at the base of each flower. To get to it, the ... the protea beetle, which comes in search of pollen and nectar. The protea beetles are large and brush the pollen ... but are not the main pollinator. Sunbirds also feed on the nectar, but they do not effect pollination as they `cheat' by ...
Schotia afra var. afra
Plant... have a destructive root system. It is ideal for attracting nectar-seeking birds during the hot, dry, Western Cape ... summer vegetation. Flowers produce copious amounts of nectar which attract birds, especially the Lesser Double ... edible. The word huil ("cry" in English) is due to the nectar that drips or weeps from the flowers. Schotia afra ...
Aloe maculata
Plant... and yellow to orange flowers of aloes are a rich source of nectar and attract sunbirds. In the hilly areas of the Free State National Botanical Garden the nectar-rich aloes that flower in winter and spring ... visited by brilliant sunbirds. Aloes do not only provide nectar, but also lend striking colour to a tired-looking ...
Kniphofia ensifolia
Plant... where they are not damaged. The flowers are rich in sweet nectar which is relished by nectiferous birds especially sunbirds. Insects are also attracted by the nectar and they in turn attract insectivorous birds to the ... perennial planting in the foreground. The attractive, nectar-rich, spring flowers also draw birds to the garden. ...
Aloiampelos tenuior
Plant... tenuior flowers are visited by bees for their pollen and nectar and are the main pollinators. The 2014 study by Duffy, ... for pollen in the morning and early afternoon and for nectar in the late afternoon. More bees visit in the morning to harvest the pollen, and those that visit for nectar in the afternoon ensure that cross-pollination occurs. ...
Erica urna-viridis
Plant... protection against insects intent on robbing the flower of nectar by boring holes in the side of the corolla. The inflated flower narrows at the mouth and nectar is thought to be collected by hovering insects using ... corolla. (pers. observation) Insects robbing the flower of nectar presumably cause the damage, as there is little ...