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492 results found for ' shrubs' (displaying page 6 of 50)
Hibiscus pedunculatus
Plant... allow the flowers to peep out from around and behind other shrubs, thus nicely concealing its sparse woody base from ... South Africa, ranging from perennial and annual herbs to shrubs and trees. Hibiscus species are very popular in South ...
Plant... NBG Species of the genus Pavetta are evergreen trees, shrubs or dwarf shrubs, upright, 0.3-10 m high. The bark on young branches is ...
... and can also be successfully grown with taller trees or shrubs, seeing that it grows naturally as an understory in ... becoming parasitized. Rinorea is a pantropical genus of shrubs and small trees and belongs to the Violaceae family. ...
Gasteria retusa
Plant... other species of Gasteria, grows in dappled shade of small shrubs in its Karoo habitat. The plants benefit from the protective cover of thorny ‘nurse’ shrubs such as Carissa haematocarpa. The mottled leaves of ...
Protea magnifica
Plant... small erect trees of about 3m in height, to low sprawling shrubs among rocks and some that grow horizontally on the ... as cut flowers and sometimes made available as garden shrubs, including P. magnifica x burchellii `Sheila', P. ...
Antithrixia flavicoma
Plant... so it is often as broad as it is high. In flower, the shrubs are covered with lemon-yellow flower heads, borne ... as a garden plant, it has horticultural potential as the shrubs flower profusely, the flower heads are large and ...
Podalyria sericea
Plant... a wonderful contrast against the green of the other shrubs. Used in a rock garden, it makes a striking specimen ... than 700 species ranging from perennial herbs to dwarf shrubs and includes only a few trees. Podalyria is a genus of ...
Lasiosiphon triplinervis
Plant... with different methods of growing these little shrubs. Finally we achieved a good growing percentage of 75 - ... In our garden in Pietermaritzburg we planted these small shrubs on the edge of the path that takes you to the ...
Plant... The plants are deciduous or evergreen perennials (rarely shrubs) with a rhizome or corm (rarely a bulb in some New ... Africa, Australia and Madagascar, including the only true shrubs in the family ( Klattia, Nivenia and Witsenia ...
Salvia schlechteri
Plant... is easily combined with most flowering perennials or shrubs that contrast with its foliage, such as Diascia ... 900 species made up of annuals, perennials and shrubs. They are widely distributed around the world in warm ...