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492 results found for ' shrubs' (displaying page 7 of 50)
... competition from other stronger growing groundcovers and shrubs. Combine them with interesting shade lovers such as ... are 53 species with many variations from tall shade-loving shrubs to vigorous groundcovers that grow in the sun. ...
Salvia aurea
Plant... The common name "salie" is applied to many other trees and shrubs with sage-like leaves. Over 1 000 species of Salvia ... — consisting of annuals, perennials, biennials and shrubs — are found in all the warm temperate countries of ...
Selago canescens
Plant... place a thick mulch on the ground in early summer. Untidy shrubs and stems that become too tall and heavy can be cut ... into the garden a few months before flowering to allow the shrubs to grow full and bushy for the best display. Pinch the ...
Solanum giganteum
Plant... be the focal point behind the tangle of thorny creepers or shrubs that form the bulk and body of the hedge. Seeds ... that Child defined in 1998. This is a group of about ten shrubs and small trees growing in the forest clearings and ...
Zanthoxylum davyi
Plant... of the genus, which includes various species of trees and shrubs known for their aromatic properties and spiny branches ... family encompasses a diverse plant group, including trees, shrubs, and herbs, distributed across different regions ...
Erica cubica var. cubica
Plant... visiting different flowers. Ericas are usually small woody shrubs with characteristic ‘ericoid’ leaves which are ... includes evergreen, deciduous, and sclerophyllous shrubs with a cosmopolitan distribution, found mostly in ...
Acmadenia obtusata
Plant... and should be planted not too close to faster growing shrubs. Plants require good watering in winter and moderate ... genus Acmadenia there are 33 species of small, evergreen shrubs growing to a height of 0.3 to 1 m, flowers usually ...
Marasmodes defoliata
Plant... seeds, which are dispersed by the wind, like other daisy shrubs. The plant's small, tough leaves discourage most ... gardens. It can be interplanted with other low shrubs to make it stand out. Marasmodes defoliata ...
Gardenia thunbergia
Plant... closer and refers to the fact that it and other spiny shrubs and trees are used as the gates for cattle kraals. ... is best known for its decorative flowering trees and shrubs: Gardenia, Rothmannia, Hyperacanthus, Alberta and ...
Lobostemon fruticosus
Plant... The seeds are four little nutlets with spiny tips. The shrubs are fast growing, reaching flowering size within a ... tectorum and Thamnochortus insignus ; and the shrubs Salvia africana-lutea , Melianthus major ( ...