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20 results found for '<strong>Aspalathus</strong> linearis' (displaying page 1 of 2)
... lwamatshe (Zul.) National Herbarium Pretoria Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii is a perennial, evergreen, succulent ... and purple on the underside. Figure 3. Leaves of Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii . A, ovate blade with cordate base; B, ... indoor plant that can be grown on a sunny window sill. In strong light the leaves will be darkly coloured, with ...
Aspalathus linearis
Plant... rooibostee, bossietee (Afr.) National Herbarium Pretoria Aspalathus linearis is an erect to spreading, highly variable shrub or ... growing conditions for the plants. In order to grow Aspalathus linearis successfully, seeds must first be ...
Euryops linearis
Plant... many species from the De Hoop and Agulhas area, Euryops linearis is tolerant of limestone soils, while most fynbos ... or granite-derived acidic soils. Asteraceae Euryops linearis makes a very desirable tall garden shrub. It is ... of three to five results in a larger, denser bush. Euryops linearis is easy to propagate from seed or cuttings. Seed is ...
Poor man's cup of tea no longer
Information Library itemSource: Veld & Flora 92(3)154-1561 | Copyright: Botanical Society
Sustainable harvesting of wild rooibos, Aspalathus linearis, now an internationally renowned choice health beverage. Louw Rhoda Huntly Philippa Aspalathus linearis rooibos tea fynbos Botanical Society Poor ...
PlantCompton Herbarium A genus the size of Aspalathus displays a large variety of morphological features ... survive fire as reseeders or resprouters. In the case of Aspalathus linearis some populations are reseeders, whereas others are ...
Ceropegia sandersonii
Plant... ampliata and C. crassifolia subsp. crassifolia and C. linearis subsp. woodii , more commonly known ... more closely related to the string-of-hearts ( Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii ) which also has heart-shaped fleshy ...
... in cultivation are G. krebsiana , G. lichtensteinii, G. linearis and G. maritima. Asteraceae Gazania rigens var. ...
Aspalathus quartzicola
PlantNo reported common names. CREW TSP Aspalathus quartzicola is a mat-forming shrub, with branches ... are 2.0–2.3 × 1.8–2.0 mm and tan with brown blotches. Aspalathus quartzicola is a long-lived plant, with an ... is so for most Aspalathus species, excluding Aspalathus linearis (which is cultivated for rooibos). Further, legume ...
Aloe linearifolia
Plant... Seedlings can be transplanted as soon as they are strong enough. By division: Cut new offshoots from the aloe ... times longer than wide. It comes from the Latin words linearis meaning 'linear' and folius 'leaf'. Aloe ...
Euryops chrysanthemoides
Plant... virgineus , E. annae , E. abrotanifolius , E. tysonii , E. linearis and E. speciosissimus and a hybrid between E. ...