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1872 results found for ' <strong>fynbos</strong> garden' (displaying page 1 of 188)
Aloe simii
Plant... then slowly die. Aloes are ideal to attract birds to the garden, in particular sunbirds, and other birds that love ... be pollinated by birds. In the Lowveld National Botanical Garden this species is visited by birds and bees. Aloe simii ... plants that every gardener should try to have in the garden. Aloes offer striking flowers, architectural form and ...
Felicia erigeroides
Plant... centres attract small insects, bees and butterflies to the garden. The seeds form fluffy heads which act as parachutes, ... Asteraceae Felicia erigeroides, once established in your garden, forms a round bush. It is a good coastal plant, ... groups of 6-9 plants. Use it as a border plant, in a mixed fynbos bed, in front of taller shrubs, in rockery garden ...
Aloe castanea
Plant... help it to survive long dry seasons. This species has a strong stem and root system to support its heavy crown. This ... the last few years, and this species is a drought-tolerant garden plant and a good choice for water-wise planting. It is ...
Protea rubropilosa
Plant... is a wonderful species of protea to grow in the garden. It does seem to be tolerant of conditions different ... effect. P. rubropilosa can also be used in the traditional fynbos garden or planted as a feature specimen. Propagate ... plant into open beds or seedling trays. Use a well-drained fynbos mix consisting of 1 part loam, 1 part bark, and 2 ...
Rafnia triflora
Plant... to 2.4 m high. It is multi-stemmed at ground level, with strong woody stems, reddish purple when young, arising from a ... weather patterns of the Western Cape and is found only in fynbos. The fynbos is a fire-prone vegetation type. Rafnias ... summer. Rafnia triflora is well suited to the fynbos garden, the Mediterranean garden, or the water-wise garden in ...
Lasiosiphon triplinervis
Plant... the year in the KwaZulu-Natal National Botanical Garden in Pietermaritzburg. Small insects and bees visit the ... We have been growing this plant successfully in this garden for the past three years. L. triplinervis is one of ... easily from cuttings. In KwaZulu-Natal National Botanical Garden in Pietermaritzburg, we have been experimenting with ...
Euryops linearis
Plant... linearis is tolerant of limestone soils, while most fynbos plants are not. But this does not mean that it needs ... Asteraceae Euryops linearis makes a very desirable tall garden shrub. It is quick and easy to grow, water-wise, and ... and acidic soils, and is a useful plant for lovers of fynbos who have neutral to alkaline soils and struggle to ...
Agathosma capensis
Plant... to medium shrub and best used as a border plant in a mixed fynbos garden. It grows well in gardens with full sun and ... The oil glands on the leaves and fruit release a sweet to strong fragrance when crushed. The species name capensis in ...
Senecio voigtii
Plant... should be self-sustainable and thus the ideal water-wise garden plant. It should also flower within the season of ... plants can be transferred to containers or directly to the garden. Senecio voigtii was named in Flowering Plants of ... Werner Voigt, Curator of Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden (former Curator of the Karoo National Botanical Garden ...
... of a plant that was growing at Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden in 1943, and a specimen submitted by J. E. Repton, ... began a concerted search amongst the remnants of lowland fynbos on and near the Peninsula for lost and rare Erica ... parks in the Pretoria area that displayed collections of fynbos plants. No records exist of how the plants came to be ...