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544 results found for ' nectar' (displaying page 1 of 55)
Kniphofia northiae
Plant... perianth that serves as a great reservoir for plentiful nectar, complying with the bird pollination pattern. Furthermore, the drying perianth tube acts as a nectar guide, transporting nectar from the ovary to the apex, where it gathers in a ...
Melianthus major
Plant... sepals. The nectary produces copious quantities of black nectar. The flowers resupinate when mature, which means that ... season, in autumn. The flowers produce an abundance of nectar and are pollinated by birds. They are visited by nectar-feeding birds, such as sunbirds, and occasional ...
Sparaxis auriculata
Plant... auriculata flowers have no scent and produce little nectar, and have cream-coloured pollen The very narrow ... stamens. The flowers are often visited by bees looking for nectar but since the flower produces little nectar and its floral tube is closed tightly around the ...
Watsonia borbonica
Plant... Watsonia borbonica provides a major source of food for nectar-feeding insects and birds, and for the various rodents ... The bees visit the flowers in the early morning, seeking nectar and collecting pollen from flowers that have just ... second day and become receptive, and at the same time the nectar levels rise. The bees visiting for the nectar transfer ...
Schotia brachypetala
Plant... no sign of flowers. This irregularity is of value to the nectar feeding birds, and ensures a longer feeding season. ... insects and is a noisy, hive of activity while in flower. Nectar-feeding birds, particularly sunbirds, bees and insects feed on the nectar. Insect-eating birds feed on the insects attracted by ...
Barleria ovata
Plant... in spring after fires. Flowers of barlerias have a lot of nectar, therefore attracting bees and nectar-collecting birds. While collecting nectar these organisms inadvertently take pollen from one ...
Berzelia albiflora
Plant... (February-April). Berzelia albiflora flowers provide both nectar and pollen. Pollen is not produced in the same ... you look closely at the flowers you can see that a drop of nectar forms at the base of each flower. These look like ... standing on a flowerhead while probing the flowers for nectar and moving from one flowerhead to the next. Berzelia ...
Ruttya fruticosa
Plant... down and forwards. These beautiful flowers are rich in nectar, and appear almost throughout the year but mainly in ... of warmth. The beautiful red to orange flowers are rich in nectar, which attracts pollinating insects such as butterflies, bees and nectar-feeding birds such as sunbirds. The flowers secrete ...
Adromischus maculatus
Plant... as the plant’s protectors. Plants produce 2 sources of nectar, to attract both pollinators and protectors. The nectar in the flowers attracts the bee as the pollinator and the plant also produces nectar on the outside of the flowers that attracts ants. ...
Protea repens
Plant... 'ice-cream cone' seedhead. The flowers are pollinated by nectar-feeding birds, such as the Cape Sugarbird and ... and many other insects. The birds are attracted by the nectar as well as by the insects visiting the flowers. The ... the same plant Protea mellifera , referring to the sweet nectar produced by the flowers. However, this much more ...