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8 results found for ' rooibos' (displaying page 1 of 1)
Aspalathus linearis
Plantrooibos tea (Eng.), rooibostee, bossietee (Afr.) National ... in acid, sandy soils. There are commercial plants of rooibos at the Cape. According to Mr S de Beer of ... farm, Clanwillian, seeds which are obtained from the local rooibos tea management board have been treated and germinate ...
Plant... L. Aspalathus Aspalathus linearis, commonly known as the rooibos tea plant, is the only species of economic value. The ... as a beverage long before the European settlers arrived. Rooibos is caffeine free, low in tannins and rich in ... of cosmetic products. The cultivation and production of rooibos is now a multimillion rand industry. Aspalathus ...
Poor man's cup of tea no longer
Information Library itemSource: Veld & Flora 92(3)154-1561 | Copyright: Botanical Society
Sustainable harvesting of wild rooibos, Aspalathus linearis, now an internationally renowned ... beverage. Louw Rhoda Huntly Philippa Aspalathus linearis rooibos tea fynbos Botanical Society Poor man's cup of tea no ...
Willdenowia incurvata
Plant... Melkkraal who often burn the restio fields to make way for rooibos tea farms, have observed the plants resprouting. ...
Aspalathus quartzicola
Plant... excluding Aspalathus linearis (which is cultivated for rooibos). Further, legume species in general, make symbiotic ...
Colophospermum mopane
Plant... into which plants such as the indigos ( Indigofera ) and rooibos tea bush (Aspalathus ) are placed. C. mopane can be ...
Cyclopia pubescens
Plant... teas with a long history of regional use, yet, unlike rooibos, which is made from Aspalathus linearis , it remained ...
Rooibos: Refreshment for humans, bees and wasps
Information Library itemSource: Veld & Flora 86(1) 19-211 | Copyright: Botanical Society
... aspalathus shrubs bees wasps nectar Botanical Society Rooibos: Refreshment for humans, bees and wasps ...
aspalathus, shrubs, bees, wasps, nectar