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97 results found for ' wasps' (displaying page 1 of 10)
Ficus ingens
Plant... peaking in summer. All fig trees depend entirely on fig wasps for pollination, and in turn, the fig wasps can breed nowhere else but inside figs. Hundreds of ... or central cavity where they can only be reached by the wasps crawling through the ostiole or opening. Once inside, ...
Ficus craterostoma
Plant... the tip, called the ostiole . All figs are pollinated by wasps, called fig wasps. They are tiny, 1–2 mm long, and are attracted by a ... wasp larvae feed on some of the developing seeds. When the wasps are fully developed, they mate inside the fig, the ...
Ficus trichopoda
Plant... complex and quite fascinating. It is performed by minute wasps (each fig species has a specific wasp pollinator) which ... specific chemical to attract pollinators. These are female wasps who battle their way into the fig and in the process ... the male flowers produce pollen, the new generation of wasps emerge and mating takes place inside the figs. The ...
Codon royenii
Plant... wrinkled (rugose). During the course of research on the wasps and bees of semi-arid areas, Sarah and Fred Gess, two ... lugubris (Apidae: Anthophorinae) and two species of pollen wasps (Vespidae: Masarinae). The robust carpenter bee flies ... Unlike the carpenter bee, the two relatively small pollen wasps are not very reliable pollinators as they often drink ...
Ficus bubu
Plant... inside the fig fruit, and they are pollinated by fig wasps. The fruit is green at first and matures to a yellowish ... Ficus bubu has a unique relationship with fig wasps to achieve pollination. The wasps penetrate the fig's syconium and lay their eggs while ...
Pachycarpus campanulatus
Plant... the pollen gathered in 2 sacs (pollinia). Spider-hunter wasps ( Hemipepsis capensis ) are the main pollinators of the ... . Since the flowers of this species are hanging, the wasps normally land on the outside of the corolla and crawl inside the large flowers. The wasps then hang from the centre column in order to get the ...
Athanasia trifurcata
Plant... by different flying insects, which includes bees, beetles, wasps, thrips and butterflies. This species is not a ...
Gomphocarpus physocarpus
Plant... this species is pollinated by a wide variety of vespid wasps in the genera Belonogaster and Polistes. Gomphocarpus ... physocarpus pollinia on a variety of insects but only wasps and hornets were observed regularly re-inserting the ... specialised, can be successfully performed by similar wasps in other parts of the world. The seeds are dispersed by ...
Aptosimum procumbens
Plant... time, it appears that the primary pollinators are pollen wasps (Vespidae, Masarinae), particularly from the genus ... C. andreis for example, throughout the Karoo. These little wasps, on average about 10 mm long, are blackish and have red ...
Plant... is mainly by bees. The colourful flowers also attract wasps and butterflies. Bees visit for pollen and nectar, and wasps and butterflies for nectar only and these were observed ...