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299 results found for ' water-wise' (displaying page 1 of 30)
Stapelia leendertziae
Plant... will flower successfully. When grown in containers, water from below. Too much water leads to rotting from the base and too little water ... Stapelia leendertziae is an excellent subject for a water-wise garden. If grown in pots make sure they have good ...
Bergeranthus scapiger
Plant... and form dense clumps. It is a succulent plant that stores water in its thick, fleshy leaves, which makes it drought ... such as fleshy leaves, stems or roots that can store water, that allows them to survive in waterless, non-fertile ... need for soil or even water. Succulents are the water-wise plants that we need to cultivate more, not only because ...
Stapelia gigantea
Plant... will flower successfully. When grown in containers water from below. Too much water leads to rotting from the base and too little water ... container plants. They are excellent subjects for a water-wise garden. The sterile stems are very attractive when ...
Haworthiopsis tessellata
Plant... such as fleshy leaves, and stems or roots that can store water, which allows them to survive with a lesser need of water. Succulence and innovative water storage and saving ... could be grown outdoors in a semi-shaded rockery or water-wise garden in arid regions that have low rainfall. Growing ...
Rafnia triflora
Plant... Feed with well-rotted compost or slow-release fertiliser. Water well during autumn-winter-spring and moderately during ... to the fynbos garden, the Mediterranean garden, or the water-wise garden in a winter rainfall area but should also do well ...
Crassula dejecta
Plant... them to photosynthesize normally without losing much water through their leaves; this gives them the ability to ... their stomata (pores in the leaves) and can't avoid losing water at the same time through these open pores. In Crassula ... southwest side of the house. It makes an excellent water-wise groundcover if planted en masse. It forms a neat little ...
Crassula ovata
Plant... almost spherical. Crassulas have a special way of reducing water loss from their leaves without limiting their ability ... their stomata (pores in the leaves) and can't avoid losing water at the same time through these open pores. In Crassula ... and gravel gardens and is the ideal plant for a water-wise garden. It can also be grown in pots indoors. To induce ...
Tetragonia fruticosa
Plant... by wind. The seed is inside a very hard envelope and water does not penetrate it easily making germination ... are in a hard envelope. The seeds should be soaked in cold water for 12 hours or warm water for 3 hours. This allows ... for new gardens, it has ornamental value and is water-wise. It is ideal for coastal, fynbos and karoo gardens, and ...
Cussonia sphaerocephala
Plant... the forest floor. It has thick, swollen roots that store water, making these trees very water-wise and well able to survive periods of drought. Araliaceae ...
Drosanthemum hallii
Plant... shape and a fibrous root system that allows it to take up water quickly. The branches can grow up to 270 mm long with ... flowers. This species has very fleshy leaves that store water and food during the dry and hot dormant period of the ... well in groups and is also famous as a plant for water-wise gardens, as it is drought-tolerant. Use it as a focal ...