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260 results found for 'bulbs' (displaying page 1 of 26)
Nerine bowdenii
Plant... sometimes while the plants are still in green leaf. The bulbs are completely dormant in winter, but have perennial ... loam-based potting compost when grown in containers. The bulbs perform poorly in very hot or dry positions; in ... but in cold climates of the northern hemisphere, plant the bulbs in full sun or against a south-facing wall. The subsp. ...
Lachenalia sargeantii
Plant... appear in the second summer season following a fire. The bulbs are deep-seated, which is probably an adaptive strategy ... though sufficient autumn and winter rains may fall, the bulbs remain completely dormant throughout their winter ... species. It produces leaves reliably every year and the bulbs multiply, but unfortunately the bulbs do not flower. ...
Lachenalia bulbifera
Plant... provided a few simple points are borne in mind. The bulbs are deciduous and winter-growing, and are completely ... sand (swimming pool sand), and it is best to plant the bulbs in a layer of pure river sand or silica sand. An ideal ... also make an excellent show in rock garden pockets. The bulbs are best massed together to reduce their falling over ...
Nerine sarniensis
Plant... to the small group of four winter-growing species. The bulbs begin active growth in early autumn with the emergence ... rise, the leaves begin to go yellow and dry up as the bulbs enter the long, dry summer dormant period. The flowers ... parts of river sand, loam, and sifted, acid compost. The bulbs are best planted with their necks fully exposed above ...
Ledebouria crispa
Plant... bulbous plant forming clustered groups of numerous bulbs, growing in small, dense colonies, bearing ... grey-green leaves, with strongly undulating margins. The bulbs are pear shaped and covered with membranous, pale brown ... beginning of their second growing season. Flowering size bulbs can be attained after 3 to 4 years. The genus ...
Ledebouria concolor
Plant... gregarious , forming clusters of few to several large bulbs, 60–120 mm in diameter. The bulbs are semi-epigeal (partly exposed above the ground) and ... found in semi-shade, under bushes and trees. The large bulbs store water which enable it to survive for extended ...
Crinum moorei
Plant... said that in both Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal the bulbs vary considerably in size and also in the colouring of ... in large colonies in damp, marshy areas in the shade. Bulbs collected from Port St Johns by Dr L.E. Codd (Verdoorn ... Chlorophytum comosum. Our plants are grown both from bulbs and from the peanut-sized seed. Seed should be sown ...
Nerine ridleyi
Plant... are covered with layers of dry, spongy outer tunics. The bulbs, which contain toxic alkaloids, have perennial, fleshy ... species with perennial fleshy roots which anchor the bulbs between rocky sandstone crevices. Flower buds emerge ... even within populations comprising large numbers of bulbs. Fig. 5. Close-up of two Nerine ridleyi plants in ...
Plant... outer tunics, produced into a short or long neck. The bulbs reproduce by formation of offsets and bulblets. The ... as 65 mm (e.g. Cyrtanthus obliquus ). Photos Graham Duncan Bulbs of many Cyrtanthus species produce offsets, whereas ... of stolons. Like other members of the Amaryllidaceae, the bulbs contain toxic alkaloids, including galanthamine, ...
Ledebouria glauca
Plant... Sisulu NBG Solitary, bulbous plant with medium-sized bulbs, 50 × 40 mm. The soft, fleshy bulbs have no persistent bulb scales protecting them; this ... has a well-developed basal stem visible at the base of the bulbs. Two, mostly erect to spreading and unspotted leaves, ...