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522 results found for 'trees' (displaying page 1 of 53)
Platylophus trifoliatus
Plant... tree, which may reach 30 m tall. Stems of really old trees may take on rather gnarled and grotesque forms. The ... greyish initially, becoming brownish with age. Many of the trees are multi-stemmed as a result of the trees ability to coppice. Single clean-stemmed trees are ...
Olea capensis
Plant... (isiXhosa); umzimane (isiZulu). KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium Trees to 35 m tall (subsp. macrocarpa ) or 10 m tall (subsp. ... very slowly and are extremely long-lived. Black ironwood trees frequently reach heights of about 35 metres. This is ... northern European cathedrals. Unlike the last named, the trees are not built with staircases up to the roof, and so ...
Erythrina caffra
Plant... and has a beautifully light green appearance when in leaf. Trees may even reach a height of 20 m in coastal and forested ... where, next to the yellowwoods, they are the tallest trees. The trunk and branches are grey, sometimes set with ... Both birds and flying insects pollinate coast coral trees. The flowers of Erythrina caffra do not produce any ...
Euclea pseudebenus
Plant... conditions, age and often, the impacts of browsers. Adult trees can attain a height of approximately 3–10 metres, ... are covered by dark, rough bark, that persists on the trees. The slender branchlets hang down the length of the ... dark brown to pitch black, and is very hard. Ebony guarri trees flower from late winter to late spring, which under ...
... Clanwilliamseder, sederboom (Afr.) Kirstenbosch NBG Young trees have conical crowns, and old trees have massive gnarled trunks and spreading branches. The ... the tree to burst into flames relatively easily, and the trees burn rapidly and can be killed even by quick, light, ...
Plant... and are often confused. Both are small to medium-sized trees, with a bushy, rounded to broadly conical growth habit ... to 20 years. The bark is silver-grey and smooth in young trees; as the tree gets older the bark turns grey and rough. ... to April). Just to add to the confusion, the V. oroboides trees near George have rose-violet or purple-violet flowers ...
Plant... defining features. Corkwoods are multi-stemmed shrubs or trees with stems branching repeatedly at ground level, or trees with a single upright stem, often spiny, with smooth or ... The sexes are separate with different male and female trees. All parts of the flower are in fours. Round or ovoid ...
Ilex mitis
Plant... scented. Male and female flowers are borne on separate trees. The forest floor below the trees become carpeted with tiny, white flower petals that are ... as the fruit begins to develop. Fruits ripen on the female trees in autumn, turning bright red, and as these are densely ...
Adansonia digitata
Plant... by some authors, the main stem of larger baobab trees may reach enormous proportions of up to 28 m in girth. Although baobab trees seldom exceed a height of 25 m. The massive, usually ... and not divided into the five to seven lobes of the adult trees. Saplings can be effectively grown in containers or ...
Anthocleista grandiflora
Plant... light grey or brown trunk, branching high up the trunk. Trees have long bare branches arching upward with leaves ... long and 0.5 m wide. The largest leaves are found on young trees or on low-level branches. The leaves are paddle-shaped; ... long, containing many small dark brown seeds. In habitat, trees flower in spring-summer (from September to January) and ...