Plants of the Week
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Barleria irritans
Another well-flowered Barleria for your garden....
Brachylaena glabra
A member of the Aster family, Brachylaena glabra is a lovely medium-sized tree with a spreading crown and heads of small, white flowers....
Brunia cordata
An eye-catching shrub with striking panicles of white flowers in spring, which grows along streams in the Western Cape....
Berchemia discolor
Birdplum or brown ivory is an attractive garden tree, with tough, yellow-brown wood that makes excellent furniture and sticks. Berchemia discolor is also...
Berkheya setifera
A robust perennial, with profuse, bright yellow flowers and bristly leaves; one of the 71 species that are found in South Africa out of the 75 species...
Brachycorythis conica subsp. transvaalensis
This beautiful and enigmatic orchid was first recorded in 1918; it was last seen in the Gauteng Province in 1956, until its rediscovery in 2007. This species...
Berkheya multijuga
The roughness of the bright green leaves in a rosette formation makes the Berkheya multijuga irresistible to watch....
Barleria matopensis
Barleria matopensis is an attractive shrub, for a sunny, water-wise garden....
Barleria rigida var. ilicina
A prickly barleria from the Kalahari, ideal for sunny rockeries and waterwise gardens, it is frost hardy and drought tolerant....
Members of this genus are known as cruciferous vegetables, cabbages or mustard plants. Commonly used for food (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels...