Information Library
Our collection of documents and journal articles about South African plants and related topics.
Veld & Flora
Veld & Flora is the journal of SANBI's partner, the Botanical Society of South Africa. The society has kindly given its permssion for the reproduction of selected articles from Veld&Flora to be displayed on this site. Copyright resides with the Botanical Society and anyone wishing to reproduce material from these journals is requested to contact them.
Veld & Flora 1999
by Van Jaarsveld Ernst
The third in a series of articles on indigenous plants for indoors.
by Voigt E. Werner
Anthurus archeri is well-known for secreting an undesirable odour like decaying meat or fish – hence the common name of cuttlefish fungus.
by Van Jaarsveld Ernst
An article on using reptiles to control garden pests.
by Goldblatt Peter, Manning John C.
Hesperantha means ‘evening flower’, the name based on the fact that those species first discovered had white flowers that opened in the later afternoon and lasted into the night, producing a strong sweet fragrance.
by Welman Mienkie
A look at two very different aspects of the genus Ipomoea: an alien weed and four indigenous species.
by Duncan Graham
All Ixia species are suitable for cultivation in deep pots, while only certain species are recommended for garden cultivation.
by McMaster J.C.
It is indeed amazing that a plant so spectacular can remain so obscure for so long and to this day has only been see by a handful of very privileged people.
by Dold Tony, Weeks Dez
Although the genus is a well-known horticultural subject, the Eastern Cape species are mostly unknown in cultivation.
by Todd Colleen, Rambuda Tendani
Sites providing moisture, partial shade and low competition with other species are, however, important for the establishment of new plants.