Information Library
Our collection of documents and journal articles about South African plants and related topics.
Veld & Flora
Veld & Flora is the journal of SANBI's partner, the Botanical Society of South Africa. The society has kindly given its permssion for the reproduction of selected articles from Veld&Flora to be displayed on this site. Copyright resides with the Botanical Society and anyone wishing to reproduce material from these journals is requested to contact them.
Veld & Flora 1999
by Todd Colleen
Mutavhatsindi trees (Brackenridgea zanguebarica) are known for their magical and medicinal properties and only a single population exists in the dry-mountain bushveld of the eastern Soutpansberg mountains in the Northern Province.
by National Botanical Institute
Information from the National Botanical Institute on obtaining a plant collecting permit.
by Bailey Catherine
Rhizosheaths, which encircle the entire length of the roots on which they occur, are a little known characteristic of many of our grass species.
by Van Jaarsveld Ernst
Succulent plants are very popular indoor plants and there is a wealth of species from which to choose.
by Maneveldt Gavin W.
The organisms that live in the area just beyond the high-water mark of neap tides along the seashore have to cope with the combined extremes of both land and sea environments: salt spray, immersion in salt water, drenching by heavy rainfall, heating by the sun, freezing winter temperatures and other extremes.
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