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Pelargonium luridum
One of the most beautiful, tuberous pelargoniums, with leaves that vary in shape on a single plant and bright pinkish beige or cream-coloured flowers on...
Berkheya setifera
A robust perennial, with profuse, bright yellow flowers and bristly leaves; one of the 71 species that are found in South Africa out of the 75 species...
Cotula coronopifolia
Cotula coronopifolia is a cute yellow button daisy that is either annual or perennial, which occurs along edges of saline or freshwater pools, between...
Coccinia rehmannii
Coccinia rehmannii is a perennial creeper or climber arising from a large tuberous rootstock, with conspicuous, many-seeded, globose fruits....
Graderia scabra
The attractive pink flowers of Graderia scabra easily catch the eye, especially after veld fires. They belong to a small, semi-herbaceous, partly parasitic...
Ficus salicifolia
This hardy, spreading, evergreen tree produces fruit that will attract any fruit-loving birds to your garden. It is ideal for large properties and very...
Cephalaria zeyheriana
A well-adapted grassland perennial with elongated inflorescence stalks, white or creamy white flower heads, with protruding stamens. Known from the northern...
Digitaria eriantha
Ximenia americana var. microphylla
A spiny shrub of African savannas that bears brightly coloured, edible fruits, and has a long history of medicinal value for traditional healers and western...
Freesia grandiflora
A beautiful, red-flowered, bulbous plant that deserves more horticultural attention. It is perfect for woodland gardens or as a pot plant and performs...
Orthanthera jasminiflora
The relatively unknown small genus, Orthanthera consists of six species: five in Africa and one from India, Pakistan and Nepal. It is unknown whether plants...
Haemanthus humilis subsp. hirsutus
One of the best available bulbous plants to grow in those rocky, shady spots, the rabbit’s ears knows how to put on a show. Whether it is in fruit,...
Leonotis ocymifolia
Leonotis ocymifolia, the lesser known relative to the well-known Leonotis leonurus, is in many ways as worthy of recognition, not only for its usefulness,...
Plumbago zeylanica
Plumbago zeylanica is a gorgeous, eye-catching shrub that adds intrigue into any garden; it is covered with pretty trusses of small white or rarely pale...
Holothrix randii
This orchid is easier to spot among the grasses in the morning, because the flowers look shiny and silver from a distance. A closer look at the front of...
Vitex rehmannii
Vitex rehmanni is categorized as a shrub and a tree and is endemic to southern Africa. It has yellow-green to olive-green, aromatic leaves and white...
Ledebouria burkei subsp. burkei
Dwarf bulbous plant usually with leaves pressed to the ground or presented close to the ground. The leaves are brownish-green and usually deep red underneath....
Pavetta zeyheri subsp. zeyheri
A flowering plant from the genus Pavetta, P. zeyheri is a shrub or small tree that has beautiful, radiant, faintly scented white flowers in summer, that...
Gladiolus papilio
When exploring the wetlands of the eastern regions of South Africa, these pinkish mauve, nodding flowers are sure to capture your attention....
Stapelia gigantea
Stapelia gigantea has the largest flowers (up to 40 cm across) of any plant in our region and is one of the easiest stapeliads to grow. Plants are widely...